Wednesday, July 31, 2019
A key issue that was faced by the New Testament Church Essay
Examine a key issue that was faced by the New Testament Church (Prostitution). Could these arguments used in the first century be used by the Church of today for this problem? Prostitution is the performance of sexual acts solely for the purpose of material gain. Persons prostitute themselves when they grant favours to others in exchange for money, gifts or other payments and in so doing; use their bodies as commodities. In legal terms, the word prostitute refers only to those who engage overtly in such sexual-economic transactions, usually for a specific sum of money. Prostitutes may be of either sex, but throughout history, the majority have been women, reflecting both the traditional socio-economic dependence of women and the tendency to exploit female sexuality. Although prostitution has often been characterised as the â€Å"worlds oldest profession,†the concept of women as property, which prevailed in most centuries until the end of the nineteenth century, meant that the profits of the profession most often ended up in the hands of the men who controlled it. Men have traditionally been characterised as procurers and customers, but during the latter half of the twentieth century, they are increasingly being identified as prostitutes themselves, who generally serve male customers and sometimes impersonate women. The Torah (Law) had little to say on the subject of secular prostitution. It prohibited parents from dedicating their children as sacred prostitutes, but there is nothing to tell us whether its authors would have objected equally to the ideas of a master making his slave-woman a secular prostitute or even a father doing so with his daughter. There are two references to secular prostitution in the Old Testament, which offer any details as to how it was regarded. In both cases, an unmarried women is understood to have chosen this course of action on her own and thereby brought disgrace on her father. In one passage, a priests daughter â€Å"who plays the harlot†is condemned to be burned for having â€Å"profaned†her father (Leviticus 21:9). One may think that she is part of her father’s household, either as not yet married or as a divorced or widowed woman. Her activity threatens the state of purity vital to the household, since its food comes largely from the altar of the temple. In Deuteronomy (22:13-21) a man charges that his wife was not found to be a virgin on her wedding night. If this were true, she would be stoned for having â€Å"played the harlot in her father’s house.†In other words, she has engaged in sexual intercourse when she ought to have been guarding her virginity carefully in order to be a suitable bride. In the process, she has exposed her father to shame of having misrepresented her state in negotiating her marriage. It is not clear from the passage that she actually receives payment for her services; the point seems to be, rather, that she has deprived her father and her prospective husband of their rights in her. What was wrong with prostitution, from the perspective of ancient Israel, was not so much the giving or receiving of payment for sexual intercourse as it was the removal of sexual intercourse from the framework of property and hierarchy which normally contained it and ensured that it was placed at the service of the family. Such an interpretation is made explicit in a more extensive critique of prostitution found in Proverbs. After warning the reader against the wiles of the loose woman, the author contrasts the positive ideal of possessing a wife with a negative prospect of wasting one’s resources on a courtesan (Proverbs 5:15-23). Having said that, one cannot treat wisdom literature as if it were the same genre as legislation. It is clear that Proverbs agrees with the Torah in understanding prostitution, as violation to Gods will, not merely as something to be avoided for prudential reasons. Still, the justification offered for the prohibition is intrusive as to the ethical framework in which the prohibition itself belonged. Prostitution was wrong because it stood outside the normal patriarchal system in which the male head of the household owned one or more women as sexual partners. As such, it threatened the interests of the family. The man might feel that he had received full value for his expense, but the family gained nothing at all from his patronising of the prostitute. His action, therefore was a betrayal of his responsibilities, since he existed not to gratify his own desires but to maintain and enhance the fortunes of his â€Å"father’s house.†What the Torah and Proverbs agree upon then is the condemnation of those who place personal gratification ahead of family duty. The Torah condemns the unmarried woman who prefers sexual pleasure above her obligations as a good daughter of the household who must preserve her marriageability, which is, indeed the family’s investment in her. Proverbs condemns the man who spends family resources on private pleasure. He should marry a woman and be content with the sexual pleasure he receives from her. Proverbs was concerned to make the prostitute sound as unscrupulous and unattractive as possible. The Torah was speaking to the woman who was trying to behave as an unattached individual in pursuit of pleasure while still remaining under the protection of her father. According to the Torah, prostitution, though a slightly less serious crime than adultery, was wrong insofar as it represented the triumph of individual gratification over against the principle of subordination to the fami ly. The matter of prostitution receives very little attention from the Gospel writers, but it appears in a significant pronouncement of Jesus. The tax collectors and the prostitutes, he said, were entering the Kingdom of God ahead of respectable religious leaders (chief priests and elders) because they believed the preaching of John the Baptist (Matt 21:23-32). Since John preached repentance (Matt 3:2) one may suspect that prostitutes ceased to be such when they came to believe the message. It proves difficult, however, to be certain. The tax collectors presumably did not cease to be tax collectors (In Luke 19:1-10, the tax collector Zacchaeus, upon his conversion, gave half of his property to the poor and made amends to those he has defrauded). A prostitute would have found it singularly difficult to emerge from her low place in the community. We know little about them in Jewish times. In the contemporary Gentile world, however, most of them were slaves, who could not legally abandon their status. Even free prostitutes, if poor, would have had only the most limited of options, since they would not have been acceptable as wives. Our own presuppositions, then, may perhaps dictate whether we think of these women as giving up prostitution or not. Luke 7:36-50 sees Jesus anointed by a public sinner. While she is not labelled as a prostitute, it is one conclusion that could be possibly said about her. Jesus accepts her intentions, contrasts them favourably with those of her host, the Pharisee, and finally says, â€Å"Her sins, many as they are, are forgiven because she has loved much†(7:47). This does not tell us what Jesus preferred prostitutes to do, but it does suggest that he did not make grace conditional on prostitutes escaping her place in society. The most significant thing is that Jesus held them up to the religious leadership as a model of repentance for them to follow, thus implying that the respectable are not unlike the prostitutes in respect to sin. Since Jesus held them up as a religious example, we may guess that although he took prostitution to be ethically wrong, he followed the example of Proverbs in appointing blame to the man who visited the prostitute more than to the prostitute herself. Paul has little to say about sexual ethics in his main doctrinal statement, the Epistle to the Romans, except the forceful identification of sexual immorality with humanities alienation from God (Romans 1:24-27). However, in his letters to the other churches he is forced to address the topic because of the behaviour of certain individuals in those churches, particularly at Corinth. The Christians at Corinth produced highly divergent interpretations of what the Gospel demanded in the way of sexual ethics, ranging from libertinism to a complete rejection of both marriage and sexual intercourse. It is probable that the libertine party at Corinth had adopted slogans such as â€Å"All things are permitted†and â€Å"Food is for the belly and the belly for food†(implying that sexual intercourse is as uncomplicated an expression of natural desire as eating is). Paul argues that the body of a Christian belongs to Christ. Therefore, all sexual expression, then, must take Christ’s ownership into account. Sex with a prostitute might seem to establish no relationship at all beyond the brief one required for the sanctification of desire. Paul claims that every sexual act between man and woman established a union of flesh, like that of marriage. In other words, the prostitute and the man, who has used her, actually belong to each other for the duration of their sexual intercourse, though not beyond. In Paul’s own terminology, the relationship thus established is â€Å"one body;†but in the terminology of Genesis, it is a relationship of â€Å"one flesh.†Paul insisted that the man who had intercourse with the prostitute was not unchanged by that act. However, it was destructive of one’s spirit; the relation to Christ and to God: â€Å"Every sin that a person commits is outside the body, but the man who uses harlots is sinning against his own body.†(1 Corinthians 18-20) It is evident that where Proverbs discourages a man from using prostitutes because he belonged to his family, Paul discouraged it because he belonged to God. The body, the person as a whole, is the spirit’s temple, into which other forms of worship must not be introduced. â€Å"One might well ask, then, whether the implication of this line of reasoning is not, finally, to forbid sexual intercourse altogether.†1 From whichever interpretation or opinion one adopts, as a Christian, or more to the point, as human beings, it should be understood that the use of prostitutes or the actual act of prostitution is both morally and ethically wrong. It is a sin against God, in that it undervalues the gift of love, through intercourse, given to us by God, and moreover, it shows a lack of respect for the body and minds of others. BIBLIOGRAPHY Cave, S ‘The Christian Way,’ Nisbet and Company Limited, 1963 Countryman, L.W ‘Dirt, Greed and Sex,’ Fortress Press, 1988 Hays, R.B ‘The Moral Vision of the New Testament,’ Harper Collins Publishers, 1996 Manson, T.W ‘Ethics and the Gospel,’ SCM Press Limited, 1960 1 Countryman, L ‘Dirt, Greed and Sex’ p205
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Appropriate Needs Assessment For a Social Intervention Program
In the pre-planning stages of any social intervention project, a basic needs assessment of the target group or population should be conducted first to determine priority areas for intervention and draw up benchmark data and indicators for reference during planning, implementation, monitoring and post-implementation phases. Furthermore, according to Acosta et. al, â€Å"Conducting needs assessment research is a rational way to examine the effectiveness of social programs†(Acosta, 343). A needs assessment basically consists of several benchmark data gathering activities that would require collection of primary and secondary data and other forms of data gathering, like focused group discussions. Some even require several or multi-level studies to come up with the benchmark results, like that of an assessment process conducted in the State of Pennsylvania. To quote: â€Å"The process was designed to use a seven-step procedure incorporating qualitative and quantitative data collection strategies†(Daly, 95). Hence, depending on the needs and scope of an intended intervention, strategies for benchmark data gathering in establishing needs assessment output should be pre-designed. A needs assessment usually focus on a group of people or population in a given environment. For example, the needs assessment from Pennsylvania stated focused on â€Å"Individuals with developmental disabilities who present challenging behaviors create significant issues for families and service delivery systems that provide support†(Daly, 95). How does one go about specifying the extent of a problem? The results of a needs assessment study identifies several opportunities for addressing the problem and gives an insight on how best to attack or implement the program to address the conflict or problem in a given population group in a specified environment. There are strategies and methodologies by which the problems or needs for social intervention can be identified and addressed. One such approach is the SWOT Analysis or the identification of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats present in the environment and in profiling all the stakeholders affected in the proposed or planned social intervention program. Elaborate on the difficulties associated with defining and identifying the targets of interventions. How might we describe the target populations of social interventions? Not one social intervention program can boast of a 100% foolproof plan that will ensure a definitive path for success or capture and identify for sure the appropriate beneficiaries of a social intervention project. In every intended project, it has been a lesson in the past that planning should be bottom up and not the other way around. Instead of a project identified and a benchmark study scheduled just to fit into the â€Å"prerequisite†for approval of the intervention program, the process should be reversed. One frequent mistake adapted by governments or non-profit organizations, in identifying target populations for a social intervention program. is having a â€Å"ready made program†and trying to find a beneficiary for the identified program. The environment and community setting plus other nuances other than a pre-targeted population should be considered first, and then the intervention program, later to be identified in an appropriately processed needs assessment. Otherwise, if the social intervention program has already been prescribed even before consulting what the target population needs and what the community or environmental setting dictates, then the intervention program has already failed even before it has begun. Works Cited: Acosta, O., and Toro, P. (2000). Let's Ask the Homeless People Themselves: A Needs Assessment Based on a Probability Sample of Adults. American Journal of Community Psychology, Vol. 28, 343. Daly, D., Kvarfordt, C., Malatchi, A., Shannon, P., Yoder, T. (2001).  Capacity for Statewide Implementation of Positive Behavior Supports: A Needs Assessment Strategy. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, Vol. 3, 95. Â
Monday, July 29, 2019
Sufficiently demonstrated this through my actions
I would like to state that I am executing this letter to manifest to the creditors and financial institutions concerned that I am an individual of good credit standing and that I am qualified and eligible for the Housing Loan that I am applying for.I am well aware of the fact that recent events may lead some to believe that there may be some concerns with regard to my credit worthiness. I would like to personally assure the concerned parties that there is no need for such. In order to assuage the fears of my creditors, I feel that it is best to provide a clear explanation of the events that have recently transpired.The events in question all began in 2003 when I filed for bankruptcy. This was because I was going through a difficult time in my life as I was supporting my ex-husband and had a number of marital issues to deal with. I had applied for three (3) credit cards that same time and was given approval for all of them. Unfortunately, I was not able to settle m y outstanding balance because I was forced to relocate from Colorado to Georgia due to grave threats that my ex-husband had issued.I understand these events do not excuse nor exempt me from any financial liability or obligation that I have with the financial institutions concerned. In my defense, I would like to make mention of the fact that despite these events and circumstances I have gotten in contact with all my previous creditors and have apprised them of my previous situation. After my discussion with these companies, I was able to resolve the problems. Soon after that I was also able to secure a stable job and have really improved my financial standing.I am a person of principle and one of those principles is in settling my debts to others. I do not only proudly say this but also feel that I have sufficiently demonstrated this through my actions. I am confident of my financial position at this time and feel that my credit worthiness is not a matter that my self or anyone else for that matter should be concerned about.
Review paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Review paper - Essay Example However, poverty has driven these people towards survival of the fittest. Mothers become increasingly detached with infants who are perceived to be weak to survive the extremely poor conditions and a presumed to be a burden on the family. This aspect has been discussed in the paper. The researcher analyzed the reproductive backgrounds of seventy two women of the small town and tried to discover linkages between the economic and maternal disparity with material and emotional scarcity. The purpose behind this study is to find out the effect of materialism and economic disparity on the social and cultural norms of motherhood, attachment, parting and eventual loss by death. The researcher wants to prove that these sentiments are a production of the environment or the society a person belongs to rather than an innate psychological feeling of attachment that comes natural to a mother. His curiosity for this study developed because if two incidents in his life one of a girl from a rural area who murdered her infant son and one year old daughter. When he asked her for the reason behind her action she replied, ‘They wouldn’t stop asking for milk and that little ones had no feelings.’ And the second incident which formed the basis of his studies was in a town where there were was shortage of food, no access to clean drinking water, lack of sanitation and infectious diseases. The writer was involved with helping a woman give birth to her second child. However, her first child was not cared for, thrown in the dumps, living in very worse conditions, taken by compassion the writer took the child to the care center and with a lot of effort nurtured him back to health. The women there however paid no heed to weak children as mentioned above and shunned the writer for making an effort on the girls first born. The second born however was fair and healthy and was the center of attention. The culture there conformed to the natural term of
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Information strategy Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Information strategy - Coursework Example They may be reluctant to the concept and benefits of consultation and communication. In contrast/consultation and information is likely to be effective in workplaces where the customs is based on an open administration style. Employment relationship behaviours history in the organization can also act as an enabler or an inhibitor to effective consultation and information. Organizations with a history with adversarial relations and those where there has been no tradition of employee participation experience the greatest barriers to shifting to a culture of employee participation. Where there are established relationships through trade unions and partnership working employees may be more open to the opportunities accessible by the directive to review consultation planning. Creating a mixed constituency committees, for example, combining trade union and non union employee’s legislative body may pose serious challenges in the information sharing practices. Practical challenges may come arise from an imbalance of legal rights, expertise, and support between the two groups. Detailed factors must be taken into deliberation when introducing planning tailored to geographically dispersed organizations and those in small organizations. The consultation and information needs to be the same in these organizations whether in large or single site organization. The challenges in a smaller organization revolve around the need to achieve the accurate balance among formality and informality in communication. Question 2 Successful enterprises are built on change; businesses operate in a dynamic environment where the response to changing markets may of benefit to evaluate in hours and days instead of months and years. So responsiveness and adaptability will be of great success. Agent based process administration systems combine the latest distributed computing technology with agent based techniques by providing an intelligent conservatory and alternative to workflow administ ration systems. The advantages associated with agent based process management include, intelligent decision making where management strategy and policy can be represented with a variety of perspectives. Explicit resource management represents the limitation and the value of resources to manage and support the business activities. Anticipation in this process plans the task and schedule available resource anticipation in the business management. APMS react to changing circumstances and have the capacity to generate alternative execution pathways in reacting to specific exceptions. APMS can distribute over multiple platforms across the organization activities using the latest computing technology which is full of open across the machines and operating systems. APMS presents an alternative technology to working flow systems. The major one they offer an alternative vision of how organizations can be planned and managed. The method takes the service oriented view of business procedure ma nagement, where coordinating and resourcing of actions to support an edge to edge business process by relating consultation and collaboration between customers and source agents. Question 3 Workflow management systems have centralized workflow engine unlike APMS which consist of independent systems that represents the respective concerns of various organization units involved the
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Islamic history Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Islamic history - Term Paper Example The Rise of misunderstandings between the Crusaders and the Muslim was mainly because few Muslims, even those in Andalus, had any contact with the Franks before the era of the Crusades. There was a wide spread of assumption among the Muslims, even those who are educated. According to, â€Å"the Franks through Muslim eyes†in Egger text, the Ibn Munqidh, Usama regarded them as being slow because they lived in cold climates.1 The misunderstanding arose because the Crusaders and the Muslims had different cultures A good example is in the legal process, the Franks believed in trial by combat where the accused could challenge tha accuser theough a fight. The community believed that the righteous person will be favoured by God. The theory also believed that a person can also name someone to take his place in the fight and God will favour the righteous. This theory is different as compared Muslim legal system. The Muslims had developed ruled of procedure and evidence under the sharia law. The Franks also dis not make any effort to understandIslam or learn Arabic and therefore, did not make any contribution to the cross-cultural understanding. On the other hand, the Muslim groups were divided in a countercrusade against the Franks. Individual Muslims led campains against the Franks and those who were not affected by the crusades had little interest in the conslicts. These interactions clearly shows that there are differences in the state of medicine between the crusaders and the Muslims. In the memoirs of Usamah Ibn-Munqidh, the Franks are seen to have more sophisticated medicines that could even cure scrofula and they are willing to share medicine for free.2 This is clear when a Frank prescribed this medication to Abu al-Fath. The interaction between the Franks and the Muslims also show a difference in the relationship between the sexes. The muslim, specifically Usamah
Friday, July 26, 2019
A cold way to get a job - Emerging Trend Research Paper
A cold way to get a job - Emerging Trend - Research Paper Example For smaller organizations, the process of selecting the right candidate is much simpler as they review the resumes they receive until that time when they find the appropriate candidate for their position. Modern tracking systems are programmed the way that enable them to scan for keywords, former employers or the years of professional experience of the candidate. This help the companies to rank the applicants on the first step of the recruitment process. Those candidates who earned low scores do not pass on the next level. However, tracking system has its pitfalls. It sometimes misses the most- qualified candidate, because that person does not include the keywords from the job description. Moreover, the idea of the system is not in replacing the human screeners entirely. It simply allows the experts to narrow the field of search to the one that hiring manager can handle. In addition, the recruitment specialists state that the only successful method of getting a job for the candidate is to obtain the referral from a previous company employer. As it was stated before, small companies usually do not deal with tracking systems, but still the job seekers are often surprised when they do not hear back anything from small organizations. These companies rarely use an applicant-tracking system, as it is cost-effective, instead they use a well- trafficked job board to gather hundreds of responses. To help the applicant to find the job of his or her dream, hiring specialists recommend different methods. Every job advertisement is different and it requires the applicant to make sure one understands each requirement. That is to read carefully the whole announcement to make sure one follows all the requirements to apply. What any tracking system and them hiring specialist would notice is the accuracy of the entered information. Here spell check and proofread are essential,
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Guitarist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Guitarist - Essay Example Three years later, King relocated to West Memphis where he hoped to make several performances. In 1948, he got the chance to perform on Sonny Boy’s radio show and began to get audience. His popularity expanded during his ten-minute stint at Memphis radio station. The radio spot later changed to Sepia Swing Club (BBKING). His music career officially started in 1949 when he started recording with RPM records based in Los Angeles. Shortly before then, he had made his debut with a single titled â€Å"Miss Martha King†but is reception was poor. He assembled his named as the B.B King Review that toured across the U.S. while performing in major theaters (Morris). His name became one of the most prominent in R&B music in 1950s after his 3 O’clock Blues hit ranked number one on the Rhythm and Blues chart. After several releases, his earnings rose to the excess of $2500. In 1956, he founded his record label named as Blue Boys Kingdom. He engaged in rock music in the 1960s, and the Grammy Award in 1970 saw his song, The Thrill is Gone, list among the 500 greatest songs in history. Since 1980 till his death, he made several appearances on television shows, as well as, live performances (BBKING). King focused much on blues and led him to writing his autobiography titled â€Å"blues all around me.†His delta blues style is characterized by an emphasis on instrumentation and rhythm. His wailing guitar and world-weary voice brought to the global scene and at the top of American blues. He had a voice that groaned with love and lust and was recognizable to millions of people. During performances, he wrung notes with the guitar resting on his neck. Most of his songs, including the thrill is gone, were of pain and perseverance in love (Morris). King was simplistic in terms of the equipment he used. He played guitars and people associated him with the Lucille model. He also used amplifiers such as the Lab Series L5 2x12. The combo amplifier was the work of Norlin
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
The High Cost of Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The High Cost of Education - Essay Example As the report highlights the cost of college education in America has over years increasingly gone too high. High tuition fee charges in colleges is now proving to be the biggest problem facing college students, parents and sponsors. In this hard economic time, students and parents are now struggling a lot sourcing for funds to meet this high cost of tuition fee. This has ranged from sourcing school loans from banks and including selling of property assets to fund education. This trend has negatively impacted on the concerned parties to an extent where students have almost lost hope for a better future. One very strong negative impact that has so far been noticed is the discouragement it has had on the students undertaking various courses in various universities. It is quite clear from studies conducted by this team that on completion of college education individuals who graduate hardly get well-paying jobs that match the cost incurred while in college. From this discussion it is clear that a greater percentage of the little money earned from these jobs end up being used to repay the loans that were borrowed during school days leaving a minimal percentage for investment. This therefore renders a larger population of the newly employed and young hustling for their entire life. From these insights it is therefore paramount to consider the cry of the large young population and consider a thorough review of the entire fee payment systems in colleges with intent of lowering its cost for the benefit of the future generation.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Raphael's influence on Peter Paul Rubens Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Raphael's influence on Peter Paul Rubens - Essay Example s quite clearly that Raphael was apprenticed to the Perugian Pietro Perugino, and that this is where he learnt his trade, and his first documented work, and altarpiece for the church San Nicola da Tolentino, is in Citta de Castello, between Perugia and Urbino. Other important early works of Raphael are dotted around Perugia, most notably his Crowning of the Virgin in the San Francesco chapel, and his The Marriage of the Virgin, which shows much maturity of style compared to his earlier works. In the four years he spent in Peruginos workshop, Raphael learned all that his master could teach him, and the period passed without problems or challenges; in his early works, Raphael remained faithful to the Perugino School, which is understandable, as the stylistic characteristics he had acquired from his teacher, namely a clear organization of the composition and the avoidance of excessive detail, also provided useful means through which to express the new spirit of the High Renaissance (Toman, 1998). In 1504, in his new home town of Siena, and then later in Florence, where he based himself from 1507, Raphael came in to contact with many artists, most notably Da Vinci and Michelangelo, through whose influence he came to develop a more grandiose, expressive, style. Here, he also learned new techniques, such as chiaroscuro and sfumato, and came under the influence of Da Vinci’s bold figure placements and gestures. During this time, Raphael was also introduced to the works of Paolo Uccello, Luca Signorelli, Melozzo da Forlà , as well as to the emerging Flemish artists Hieronymus Bosch and joos van Gent (Toman, 1998). During this time, Raphael produced one of his most famous early works, The Marriage of the Virgin, the conception, structure and style of which corresponds closely to those of the work of the same name by Perugino, and it is assumed that Raphael was here executing a repeat commission passed on to him by his teacher, however, while the faces of the figures,
U can choose a topic by urself Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
U can choose a topic by urself - Essay Example In such cases, SMEs will always find it more affordable to let such processes be handled externally instead of them being handled within the business organisation at a higher cost. This paper aims at discussing the extent to which outsourcing enables entrepreneurs to be flexible. Outsourcing can be used by entrepreneurs in successfully handling various projects. In business management different projects usually require different resources. In any case a business organisation will decide to fully invest in a project independently, they will have to invest in all the resources that are needed for the project to be successful. However, things are different when a business organisation decides to use outsourcing. With outsourcing, they would not have to invest in all the processes that are involved in the project. They can find a third party to carry out some of the process that seems to be so costly that they can be able to reduce the general cost of the project. Therefore, it can be concluded that through outsourcing entrepreneurs can be able to undertake different types of project without having fears of whether or not they have the full capability of handling the project. If they choose to ignore outsourcing then they will have to stick to the projects that they are able to undertake independently. Outsourcing can also enable entrepreneurs to be flexible by reducing the risks involved in their undertaking. In business management the risks that require management include market, technologies, financial conditions, competition, government regulation, and many others. Through outsourcing business organisations are always able to relegate some of their functions to other business organisations with speciality is such areas (Corbett 101). When a business organisation delegates a certain function of their activities to another organisation, they also delegate the risks that are
Monday, July 22, 2019
Alternative Medicine Essay Example for Free
Alternative Medicine Essay Alternative medicine describes practices used in place of conventional medical treatments. People increasingly prefer alternative to conventional medicine. The reasons for this are pretty simple it is safe and it works! And USA is not an exception. It is estimated, by none other than the Harvard Medical School, that one out of every two persons in the United States between the ages of 35 and 49 years used at least one alternative therapy in 1997. Alternative medicine actually encompasses a very large array of different systems and therapies ranging from ayurvedic medicine to vitamin therapy. Ayurvedic medicine is a very comprehensive system that places equal emphasis on body, mind, and spirit and uses a highly personalized approach to return an individual to a state where he or she is again in harmony with their environment. Ayurvedic medicine uses diet, exercise, yoga, meditation, massage, herbs, and medication and, despite its long lineage, is as applicable today as it was 5000 years ago. Traditional Chinese medicine combines the use of medicinal herbs, acupuncture, and the use of therapeutic exercises such as Qi Gong. It has proven to be effective in the treatment of many chronic diseases including cancer, allergies, heart disease and AIDS. Homeopathy is a low-cost, non-toxic health care system now used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Chiropracty primarily involves the adjustment of spine and joints to alleviate pain and improve general health. Naturopathic medicine also strongly believes in the bodys inherent ability to heal itself. Vitamin therapy or orthomolecular medicine uses vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to return a diseased body to wellness. Biofeedback, body work, massage therapy, reflexology, hydrotherapy, aromatherapy, and various other forms of energy medicine round out the vast spectrum of alternative medicine modalities. More then 50 % of Americans use some kind of alternative medicine. Actually, it may happen so, that in future alternative medicine will totally displace allopathic medical remedies. But nowadays almost 40% of people still visit their doctors. References Benedetti, F., Maggi, G., ; Lopiano, L. (2003). Open Versus Hidden Medical Treatments: The Patient’s Knowledge About a Therapy Affects the Therapy Outcome. Prevention ; Treatment, 6, 1, 23-27.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Social And Cultural Aspect Of Child Abuse In Punjab
Social And Cultural Aspect Of Child Abuse In Punjab In the article he discussed that children are a very vulnerable sector of our society. Child abuse can occur in every sector of our society, but some children are at a higher risk for abuse. The reason behind the research is to find out what is child abuse and to know the different forms of physical abuses. D.P.Noe said Children are at an increased risk for abuse if they were a product of an unwanted pregnancy, or have parents that are still children themselves. There is an increased risk for child abuse if the parents of a child have history of being abused when they were children. or are have been brought up in a home with domestic violence. Single parents or parents with a drug or alcohol problems put a child at a higher risk for abuse. Certain socioeconomic levels such as children living in poverty place them at a higher risk for abuse. The different types of physical abuses discussed by the author are May present with bruises that are patterned, multiple bruises of different ages, bruising in a non-ambulatory child, burns, and lacerations. The reason behind the research is to know the role of the family life educator that how child abuse can be prevented by the family itself. He said there are different programs to prevent child abuse there are school based programs, Schools are in a unique position to address the child abuse problem through school based programs. School based programs should stress the primary prevention of child abuse by basing content on the cultural forces contributing to abuse. He describe some teaching suggestion in the article which are effective in a family life education program emphasizing the teaching of positive discipline as a primary prevention method for child abuse for example Invite student perspective on the topic of discipline, Invite students to share their feelings with the class. Further more he discussed that what question should be asked by the student and how should they be treated. The role of the teachers. He said equally important is the need to develop activities that will provide students with an opportunity to confront feelings about discipline issues and to learn discipline and guidance strategies that help children develop social competence. The reason behind the research is to know the reason why and how child abuse occur in step families. Evidence from the cases suggests that stepparents are overrepresented among abusers. Jean Giles-Sims and David Finkelhor explained five theories that have been used to explain this presumed relationship. The theories are: social-evolutionary, normative, stress, selection and resource theory. Author also discussed Stepparents and Natural Parents as Perpetrators In Three Types of Child Abuse (physical abuse, sexual abuse and emotional abuse). According to his research step mother conduct more physical and emotional abuse. The social-evolutionary (sometimes referred to as socio-biological) perspective predicts that stepchildren are more likely to be both physically and sexually abused than natural children, using different arguments to explain each type of abuse. According to the normative theory of sexual abuse by stepparents is consistent with a social-evolutionary perspective which ar gues that the justification of incest taboos is to avoid genetic degradation. However, the normative argument does not require a biologically based assumption. In the stress theory it is stated that stepfamilies experience stress, and that stress is related to child abuse. In the selection factor theory author said that it may be that the same factors which make people prone to divorce and remarriage also make them prone to abuse children. It may be that the same factors which make people prone to divorce and remarriage also make them prone to abuse children. Resource theory is the final theoretical approach which explains higher rates of child abuse by stepparents. According to this theory, the more resources a person can command, the more power and authority that person has at his/her disposal to regulate a social system. the reason for conducting this research is to analyse the Ethical dilemmas that are commonly encountered in family sexual abuse cases. In the research the primary ethical problems faced by marital and family therapists working with families in which child sexual abuse is suspected or has occurred are examined. The sexual abuse of children is most frequently perpetrated by males upon females, with stepfather or biological father/daughter molestation being the most commonly reported form of abuse. Kitchener (1984) and Thompson (1990) suggest that the practitioner turn to the following six general ethical principles to guide ethical decision making: autonomy, fidelity, Justice, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and self-interest. These provide a framework for considering the specific ethical dilemmas encountered by family therapists who are confronted with child sexual abuse. Author also discussed the therapeutic treatment of abuse it is recommended that sexual abuse treatment with these fam ilies not be undertaken without specialized training and supervision (Principle .6). The therapist may need to refer the family, a process that can be facilitated by helping the clients understand that this action affirms the therapeutic promise to promote their welfare. Awareness of the meta-ethical principles involved in working with these families can help to identify where principles may conflict. The reason for the study is to identify economic and cultural generative factors of child abuse. There are special circumstances affecting the occurrence of child maltreatment, such as parental youth and inexperience, parental discord and divorce, adoption, and problematic child attributes, which are explored in the research. The evidence for intergenerational transmission of abuse is also examined. The few prospective studies that have used quantitative methods have yielded mixed results, with two (Johannesson, 1974; Sears, 1961) reporting no evidence for an association between corporal punishment and child aggression, and (Lefkowitz, Eron, Walder, Huesmann, 1977 McCord, 1979 Singer, Singer, Rapaczynski, 1984) find a positive association. The reason why parents maltreat their children are parents own background, economic position. Economic factors leads to economic stress, Economic stress generated depression and demoralization in parents, which in turn resulted in marital conflic t and bad parenting-harsh, inconsistent discipline and hostile rejection or non involvement. Divorce is also the reason for the maltreatment of children by parents. Low income and single parents also become the reason for the child abuse. Data obtained from research with non abusive middle-class families. The research also focuses on facets of responsiveness (warmth, reciprocity, attachment) and demanding ness (coer- civeness, confrontation, monitoring, supervision, consistent discipline, corporal punishment) (Maccoby Martin, 1983). Compared to parents from non abusive families, parents from both abusive and neglectful families can be expected to be less responsive and neglectful parents to also be less demanding. The reason for conducting the research is to find the exact relationship between stress and child abuse despite the fact that stress contributes to child abuse. Author discussed three models postulating the influence of stress on child abuse phenomenological model, life change model, and social model. In phenomenological model describe that an early formulation of the stress and child abuse relationship, suggests that abusive behaviour is unleashed by figurative or solid incidents perceived as stressful by adults who are vulnerable to abuse from inadequate upbringings. Stress arises when an incident is judged to be personally threatening. Assessing the threat, including risks to self-esteem and physical comfort, occurs after the individual inventories his or her personal resources for coping. The usefulness of the phenomenological model is limited by its lack of ability to identify unique characteristics of the situation or the abuser. Such constraints as cultural factors, for one, c ontribute to abuse. In the life chain model describe the connection between stress and abuse. This model posits a series of changes in life situation as contributing to the potential to abuse. It also assumes that physical and psychological stress processes are equivalent. The life change model is as follows: C:UsersstudentDesktopaaaaaaaaa.PNG The social model describes another explanation of the connection between child abuse and stress. Child abuse is largely a function of the stresses of poverty, the social model rests on accumulating evidence from child abuse researchers that diminished social or ecological resources accompany poverty and increase child maltreatment among the poor. members of lower socioeconomic groups are exposed to more stressful events than members of higher socioeconomic groups and that the poor are more helpless to the impact of those events. Social isolation is manifest in child abuse. In short phenomenological, life change and social models of stress in child abuse explains that stress in part arises from personal appraisals, cross-sectional life disruptions, and environmental deprivations. This research is done to analyse the different effects of demographic, social, and economic factors on the number of child abuse and there are neglect reports in 18 urban, suburban, and rural counties over a period of 6 years. The analytic portion of this research consists of two parts. The first tests hypotheses about the effect of each independent variable on the dependent variable, child abuse and neglect reports. The model is separately tested for the urban, suburban, and rural counties. The second part uses the independent variables to determine the extent to which the model replicates actual data in each type of county. The time-series approach is used to analyse the growth of child abuse. Eighteen of 58 urban, suburban, and rural counties were selected for analysis. Child labor has become an important discussion topic and that how childrenà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s rights may be protected as globalization has increased so has concern for childrenà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s rights and child labor.. Most societies believe that if children will work they will learn more but conditions that are detrimental to their health is an area of concern. Children who are appreciated by their families are able to learn more an in a less stressful manner compared to those who are not praised and whose work is also not praised. Many conventions have been held by ILO to de motivate those who employ children and force them to work in hazardous conditions. Some international organizations have also been trying to create awareness about childrenà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s rights. In every country organizations are working for rights of child. New institutions are opened to guide the people. UNICEF and various nongovernmental organizations are working to protect Convention on the Rights of the Children and its effective implementation There are several forms of child abuse and the one which has received most concern is the battered child syndrome. There are six main types of abuses that have been discussed including physical abuse and physical neglect. The reason for child abuse could be that as a child the abuser was also maltreated by his parents for not meeting their demands. Such children when marry look for spouses who have been through similar experiences during their child hood. Parents sometimes have unrealistic expectations from their children and when the child is unable to meet these demands the parents become frustrated and become abusive towards the child. Adolescents aged 12 to 17 account for 20% of the abuse and neglect cases. These children can be treated with the help of the family and several different community services. Although the aim of the treatment is to protect the child but it also focuses on the parents. Abusive parents have problems asking for help thus a reporting system can generate better results. Suspected child abuse may be directed by observing a sick or injured child with his parents or by listening to parentà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s explanation of injuries. Parents should be told of places from where they can receive help for parenting their child in a better manner. The emotional aspects of parenting should be incorporated into parental training classes as well as into all other types of parenting education. Family life courses and family planning clinics should inform people of the responsibilities negative along with positive. The American public health association adopted policies to prevent child abuse as a problem which has significant health problems. The cost of child maltreatment has significant and long lasting effects. Cultural acceptance for child abuse is seen in schools in the form of punishments and abuse by parents and neighbors is seen as a problem. Thus measures should be taken to reduce acceptance for child abuse and violence. Coordinated efforts of the public sector and the private sector shall be taken in order to create awareness about the responsibility. Training programs should also be held in order to reduce abuse against children in an effective manner. These programs need funding and support to become more affordable by the society. A conclusion that the article with draws is that those children who have been abused as a child tend to become child or spouse abusers themselves thus research shows that child abuse is directly related to family stress, financial problems and single parenting responsibilities. Child abuse can only be prevented with the help and cooperation of all the sectors private and public including public health, law and order and educational institutes.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Jimi Hendrix :: essays research papers
Jimi Hendrix: Reflections of the Man Through the Development of His Albums James McGuire UWC 4, Hampton November 4, 1996 On November 27, 1942,Jimi Hendrix was born as John Allen Hendrix in Washington at Seattle General Hospital. His childhood was not a privileged one, however, he did indulge himself in one particular way: Jimi loved to play the guitar. At first he played an old acoustic, and later a cheap Silvertone electric, which were both strung for a lefty on a right-handed guitar, one of the defining Hendrix traits (Murray 34- 5) . As a teenager, young Jimi listened to the music which affected his music so greatly later: â€Å"‘everyone from Buddy Holly to Muddy Waters and through Chuck Berry way back to Eddie Cochrane’'; (Wilmer 38). He played in a few bands in high school, but then dropped out before his senior year. After working as a laborer for a few months, Jimi decided that he was not destined for that line of work, so in 1959, he enlisted into the 101st Airborne (Murray 36). Jimi’s parents were of mixed descent, with Jimi’s family tree had whites, blacks, and Ch erokee Indians. Jimi never denied his ethnic diversity, but rather accepted his diversity and publicly allowed it to show through in his music. Jimi said it best in â€Å"If 6 was 9'; on Axis: Bold As Love when he said â€Å"I’m gonna wave my freak flag high.'; Hendrix’ first forays into professional music came after he received his honorable discharge from service in the summer of 1962 (Murray 36). His background in R&B, a type of music dominated by black artists at that time, led him to play with many R&B singers from the time, such as Little Richard, King Curtis, Joey Dee and the Starliters, the Isley Brothers, and many others (Murray 38-42). The development of his own style of music, which would later be displayed at various stages of its evolution in his four completed studio albums, came from an amalgamation of his intimate familiarity with the blues, ethnic background, the years he spent as an R&B sideman, and his exposure to new musical styles and scenes. The development of Hendrix’ music to our modern perception of it occurred after his move to New York City and the formation of Jimmy James and the Blue Flames, where a young producer named Chas Chandler discovered his act, which by then included Hendrix’ famous playing with his teeth and behind his back.
Young Male Violence and the Communities that Nurture It Essay examples
Jerry sat nervously at his desk, staring at the clock while about twenty pairs of eyes momentarily glanced over or glared at him. The seconds were slipping by far too quickly as the teacher finished explaining the homework assignment for the next day, and Jerry could feel the sweat slipping down his back in just the same way. All day long he had heard second hand threats from the other kids at school that Tim Stern was going to pound him before the day was through, and Tim sent vicious looks his way to reaffirm the rumors. The bell rang and Jerry darted from his seat; he ran down the hallway to his locker where he grabbed his skateboard for the ride home. A couple of his friends ran into him, and together they began sprinting out of the school building. One of the teachers yelled after them, â€Å"Slow down boys! There’s no fire!†They hadn’t been fast enough, because Tim and his friends and a whole group of onlookers were already waiting in the alley just beyond the school parking lot. Jerry threw his things on the ground. Tim was furious because Jerry had verbally humiliated him the day before in a restaurant most of the kids at school hung out at; to make matters worse, Jerry had just started dating Tim’s ex-girlfriend. The crowd was excited because both of the boys were pretty well built; bets had been placed, and the cliched chant, â€Å"Fight! Fight! Fight!†spilled out before Jerry and Tim could even exchange words. Without hesitation, Tim threw the first punch and Jerry, stumbling backward, tripped and fell to the ground. The crowd of kids roared and Tim shook hands with some of his buddies. While no one was looking, Jerry sprung up and dealt a hard blow to the back of Tim’s head with the trucks of his skateboard. T... ...minance. If you will recall, in the beginning of this report I stated that a teacher was calling out to some young men, â€Å"There’s no fire!†However, in reality there is a fire, and this fire takes the form of the pressure on young males to be violent members of our species. Whether it is an urban community’s physical violence, a suburban community’s mental violence, or the sexual violence common to both, it is interesting to note that so much of it is strongly upheld and created by the working culture of men. Much of the violence has to do with the pressures on males to be providers: something we often think has disappeared. Ultimately, it is exactly these kinds of pressures, norms, and customs in combination with a general need for acceptance that amount to the stress on young men to make it to the top. This is what fuels the fire of young male violence.
Friday, July 19, 2019
asthma :: essays research papers
Introduction Most of you may not think of asthma as a killer disease, yet more that 5,000 Americans die of asthma each year. According to the Mayo Clinic web page, asthma also accounts for more that 400,000 hospital discharges annually. As the number of people with asthma increases, the more likely you are to come in contact with a person who has the disease. As far as I can remember, I have had asthma my whole life. My mother and one of my sisters also have asthma, so I have a first hand experience with it. This morning, I will discuss some interesting facts about asthma, I will specifically focus on what it is, warning signs, symptoms, causes, and the treatments that are used. What it is Asthma is best described by its technical name: Reversible Obstructive Airway Disease (ROAD). In other words, asthma is a condition in which the airways of the lungs become either narrowed or blocked. The results are usually temporary but they cause shortness of breath, breathing trouble, wheezing, coughing, and tightness in the chest. To know what it really feels like to have asthma, I would like everyone to pick up the straw that’s on their desk and put it in their mouth as if they were using it to drink something. Then, pinch your nose. Try breathing for twenty seconds. A real attack can last up to more than 10 minutes and you are only doing it for 20 seconds. If we had more time, I would have the class go to a stairwell and have you run up and down and see what it is like to have asthma while doing other activities. Symptoms Asthma symptoms can range from mild to very severe. A person may experience only occasional severe episodes one time and then experience frequents mild episodes. According to the book, Living Well With Asthma, there are four main symptoms of an asthma attack. Since an attack can be so overwhelming and frightening, it may be difficult to know what’s going on inside of a persons body. Here are the major elements of an asthma attack:      -Shortness of breath=described as tightness of the chest. Some people have trouble breathing during exercise, others experience it after inhaling smoke, while others need to ingest a particular food-regardless of the circumstance, all people with asthma have trouble breathing.      -Wheezing=not all people will asthma wheeze, but many do.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
People Should Look After Their Health as a Duty to Society They Live in Rather Than Personal Benefits Essay
It has long been believed that an individual’s health is a private matter. However, in contemporary society, where human interaction is frequent and medical costs are high, the health of any individual concerns the whole community. Society as a whole suffers when an individual falls ill. Nowadays, a disease can spread very quickly between people in the same community and even across national borders. If a single patient is not diagnosed and treated in time, many more people will be affected. In addition, the high cost of medical treatment a patient requires is usually paid by the government and society. A smoker who suffers from lung cancer, for example, is making other taxpayers pay for his habit. For these reasons, health is more than just a personal matter. In the same way, good health benefits society as well as the individual. By keeping fit, a person is not only investing in his/her future, but also contributing to the overall productivity of society. That is the reason why many governments encourage their people to participate in sports as a way of boosting their health. Some people might argue that their freedom will be limited if their health is regarded as a public matter. However, I would like to point out that personal enjoyment should never be placed above public interests. Drug users, for example, are punished in any civilized society. In conclusion, health is not an issue like seatbelts which affect only the individual. In an era when everybody is involved with everybody else, people should look after their health for the sake of society as well as themselves.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Forensic Anthropology Essay
Review Questions1. What are epiphysial fusions? What can they dissever a forensic anthropologist? epiphyseal fusion is the fusion, and/or the termination of the ends of growth plates, or at places wish the clavicle, iliac crest, and the long clappers in our arms and legs.2. What is ethnobot all? Why is this electron orbit useful for forensic anthropologists? Ethnobotany is the study of plant dust and pollens. Id imagine that this would attention discover time, and/or cause of death.3. What is facial reconstructive memory? Why is it used? facial reconstruction involves using the cranium or skull, as well as any opposite aspects of the individual that may be known, to create a representation of what the person may rescue looked like to befriend determine who the person was, and in well-nigh cases help determine the cause of death.4. How do male and female finger cymbals play to differ? Male and female swot up tend to differ mainly in size and shape, some of the more d andy differences are the different shapes of parts of the skull, pelvis, and jaw.5. How does a forensic scientist estimate the height of a dupe? A victims height is generally estimated using an equality designed to predict height. Once they produce all of the long grind away in the arms and legs, they are often fitted to create a more accurate estimation of the victims height. deprecative Thinking Questions1. Why is forensic anthropology an of the essence(p) part of forensic wisdom? What does this athletic field add to the investigation of crime? forensic anthropology is an important part of forensic science because without any knowledge of bones in forensic science, you wouldnt really be able to learn very lots information about any victims that had decomposed knock down to bone, or lost their flesh in any sort of way.2. Imagine that you have been called to an area where bones have been found. What would you do at this spot to help you let out understand what happened? I would first take away certainly to check the entire area above, and below the surface of the ground. Make sure every last piece and pick of bone or evidence was accounted for, had sketches and/or pictures of where they were before they had been disturbed, and then noted. Then I would examine the evidence along with the bones to see if I could possibly recite if the victim had any type of distemper or sickness, or any other cause of death. Maybe even determine who the person was.3. What are some of the differences between traditional facial reconstruction and electronic computer facial reconstruction? What are the advant durations and disadvantages of all(prenominal)? Some of the differences between digital, and non-digital facial reconstruction are well, youll need a forensic anthropologist for both, an artist for one, and a computer with the cleanse programs installed, and the correct machines and comparison data for the other.4. What is a fan out pattern? What can it tell a forensic anthropologist? A scatter pattern in forensics refers to the way bones have been scattered from their original align place where they were when they were still attached to the victims skeleton.5. How can the age of a embody be estimated using bones? What are some of the different areas of the body that may give an indication of age? A forensic anthropologist can confirm an estimate of a victims age by examining placement of teeth, Epiphyseal fusions, length of the longer bones in the legs and arms, and the degree of closure of sutures.
Bad Habits: Attitudes of Filipinos That Need to Change Essay
1. Thoughtless When someone celebrates birthday, graduation or winning the lotto in the neighborhood, the tilter lasts through deep in the night, keeping neighbors awaken by the noise of an out of tune videoke singer. 2. coarse plane after agreeing to meet at a certain time, some Philippines manage to fail this initial agreement, using alibis as traffic, got caught up with something or alienated in the way, disregarding the feeling of someone who beneficial complied with agreed time. If these folks set upt set up simple t have a bun in the ovens, can we trust them when it comes to, say impart them our prized books or CDs, loaning them capital or anything they see?3. Racist Many Filipinos complain of being racially profiled (Filipinas in Middle East are subdued to stun or gullible) but some of us look down on other commonwealth such as Indians as fellows with strange consistence odor who live off through usury. Or on Chinese neighbors who own bigger stores in the market as penny-pinchers. But we cant look at ourselves and fix our flaws. Worse, see 6. 4. in like manner self-conscious Wants to know who are his or her stalkers at social media. Installs who are my top viewers coating which turns out as a link to a malicious website.Wants to get everybodys attention to the target that they post celebrity, semi-naked or suggestive profile photos 5. ghostly fanaticism While admittedly deeply spectral people, more of us Filipinos are also brisk a life of hypocricy/inconsistency. Outside of the Quiapo church are shops that sell abortion formula and the island of Siquijor becomes a harbor of faith healers who practice black magic. 6. Onion struggle We slow go ballistic whe neer the word Filipino is used as dark humor in a script of an American sitcom or acelebrity mocking our presumed perfect accent.We are quick to call for apology even if theyre all meant as a joke. That may be a shut out we become a topic of humor. 7. Short-sighted wel l-nigh Filipinos select to receive a few hundred pesos in exchange of favors to a politician running for positioning rather than resist temptation and bond in concert for a better society and governance. Poor tricycle drivers are allowed to ply on dangerous streets risking the lives and limbs of passengers honorable to earn a living. 8. Laziness When going to the market, some Filipinos prefer to accommodate the motorized bike and earnings a premium sort of of a 20-minute base on balls to ensure a favorite TV certify will not be missed.At the repeal of the day they lament how a hundred peso bill could no longer be stretched. Or they spend the whole day staring at the television, sending SMS on shows that offer prizes to home text edition partners. 9. Gossipmonger Many Filipinos live off talk of the town about affairs of other people. Maybe thats because its a major function of the Filipino culture. Who impregnated a neighbors teenage missy? A barrio councilor has bad b reathe. The baby of a close friend has a striking resemblance of the family driver. No wonder many families are broken, trust broken and friendships gone awry because of people trying to get in the way.10. Undisciplined Pass laws that are easily broken no smoking on jeepneys, no jaywalking on streets, picking flowers in the park or peeing on fences, trees or truck tires. Even busting prescribed attire (please wear semi-formal wear) when attending espousal ceremonies becomes a task difficult to. When were overseas we get down it necessary to follow rules, but we seem to take our country and its simple laws for granted. 11. Crab Mentality in one case a fledgling banana cue job becomes the talk of the barrio, everyone is riding the bandwagon and put up the same art.Eventually, every single banana cue business in the neighborhood fails and shuts down operation. If someone gets promoted at work, some Filipinos are good at do up stories did he date the supervisor? Did she rest pe riod with the manager? It also exists in the form of protectionism. hazard or lack of creativity drives this attitude. 12. Nepotism A glary yet not well-connected job applier never gets the job position because it was reserved for a family member of an incumbent official or a reward for supporters of a candidate who just won in the elections.A well-connected passenger gets the aerodromes special lane while tall(prenominal)-works OFWs pass it out on a long line. 13. freebee hunters Some Filipinos have got the nerve to crash into wedding parties uninvited or show up at a birthday party because they were brought along by a friend of an invited friend. They enjoy free electrical energy supply through illegal connections or enjoying a bonanza of free water from busted pipes instead of reporting the apparent waste or peculiar resources. Often visits the house of a balikbayan/OFW who just arrived and ask they dont wait for presents. 14. Allegiance by convenience.Filipino politician s often change parties not because they tack a better principled group, but to impinge on something power, money or fame. When momentum shifts, be active to jump ship and switch loyalty. Read their biographies and be not surprised theyve been into various alliances with no objective accomplishment to show. 15. Rarely punctual Appointments are never meant to be on time as many Filipinos make it a habit of not making it on time. Meetings, parties, and so on. Teachers didnt lack the demand to make us punctual as previous(a) ones were meted with appropriate punishment. Shall we blame others for this?Traffic congestion, slow jeepney driver, hard to find location, I was robbed, and others in an endless list of alibis and excuses. 16. Propensity for good time Gathering of friends isnt bad. But if it always meant 20 bottles of hard pot liquor meant to be consumed overnight, thats something. scarce got the job? permits celebrate and have a drink. Just got the paycheck, lets have a drink. When someone starts reminding them to be frugal and slow down on alcohol spending, they reason out, its my money, you have no business interfering, this is just once in a while or I wish to drink to forget my problems.Yeah, right. 17. Treat OFWs as ATMs Some Filipinos are overly dependent on relatives working overseas that they dont look for jobs or dont attend classes because they are in abundant supply of financial aid. Worse, money remittance from OFWs are often spent only if on luxuries like mobile phones and jewelry they can brag to friends. In many cases, nothing was allocated for savings or investment. When OFWs come home, families find it hard to explain where money was spent.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
The Development of Kingship in the Middle Ages
in advance innovative engineering, and the orgasm of cars, at that lead were throw a lookles, catapults, and horse cavalry draw carts. there were in like manner abilitydoms, and with business leaderdoms came mightinesss, and with moguls came politics, conflict, fight, and regicide. The King, passim history, and in raw quantify, was be deceptionved to be the fillet of sole rule of a nation, having the closing develop on wholly that happened within the boundary of their abilitydom. This has and so been authentic since Cain was cast issue of his theatre, and he naturalized the city of Chanoch, solely the way to the quaint rulers of Babylon.The rulers, emperors, and barons reigned with soereignty, and their bequeath was r arly questi atomic number 53d, point objet dart close of them reigned blaze and brimst unity on their batch, murdering them, and rifle their homes. This was the strength of a business leader, unquestioning faithfulness from servants, guards, and large amounts of infantry workforce and calvary. Whether they command by holy terror, or did ineffable things for the dear of their country, was a take of the char arrangeer bearing the cr accept.There string up been objet darts in history, as tell in numerous books, where those who ar held to be direct acquit been laboured to exercise a obviously foul-smelling forge for the keener genuine, compensite if the straight motives bent with the inviolable of his bulk, much(prenominal)(prenominal) as Blan piece of taildrins, a ennoble as famed in the straining of Roland 2, who speak these spoken language tin recognize bound, and do him fealty. pose hostages, should he pick out truety, ecstasy or a score, our doglike denunciation to confiscate load him our passwords, the first-born of our wives An he be slain, Ill sure as shooting fork out mine.Better by ut to the highest degree they go, though fortuned to disc lose, Than that we get find and dignity, And be ourselves brought agglom eonte to beggary. 3 In the anterior paragraph, an remove from a study lit epochry break away indite in the clipping, we take up that in those quantify, the open assistance of a tycoondom outweighed the upbeat of a hardly a(prenominal) transp atomic number 18nt uttermostmers or peasants, which lies in considerable telephone line to the initiation of straight off. This is non an exponent of sinister as hatred today is outlined by laws and ethical motive that experience been ordain in place by raw custody, or break dance men as estimablely would believe.However the morality in that time was a tot each(prenominal)(a)y several(predicate) story, and indemnify or incorrectly evidently fucknot be applied. The ecumenic public would not mind such(prenominal) a collapse, as it is for the huge soundly, and a pricey force pull up stakes do anything for his country, to break that everything and everyone manages to survive. A good pouf impart crumple dealing with unusual solid grounds to communicate in supplies, and trade. such(prenominal) was show by Charlemagne, or Charles the Great, the might of France from the yr 768, public treasury he died in 814, and was wide regarded as The vex of Europe.Throughout his reign, with his goody toward separate nations, and his noble treatment of foreigners4. It is not grotesque for a powerfulness, should he treat about his batch, to come on great structures, and to overtake to the wretched, as St. Louis of France did, historied if the look of St. Louis He began then to sureise and put up hospitals or houses for brusk people to lie in, teach minsters of piety, and gave periodical to separate sad sufferers in divers(prenominal) places in the res publica much(prenominal) money, pecunies or silver. He founded whatsoever(prenominal) an(prenominal) convents of the drift of friars p reachers, and to many otherwisepoor spectral builded churches, cloisters, dortoirs, and other edifices convenable, gave for immortal for the most part alms to the blind, beguines, daughters of God, and releved the minster of many a poor nunnery.. 5 The force of a nation impart be highly educated, his language, and colligation everyow for be high preceding(prenominal) that of a dominion peasant, and as such he leave alone be keep an eye onn as an highly levelheaded person, befitting of command a kingdom, though if he is a good king, he leave awe himself to a greater extent with the people, good-looking them food, clothing, and shelter, the underlying necessities above tout ensemble else.He volition in any case stockpile reliable to the religion of the land, ensuring that he follows the laws, and demands that others do as well. Whereof it befell that a citizen of capital of France who foul-smelling fella had blasphemed delivery boy Christ, against the a ct or canon royal, which holy man Louis by the guidance of the prelates and princes had decreed and make for the swearers and blasphemers, at the educational activity of the say shrine he was attach or tokened, at the lips of him with a hotand longing iron, in mug of punition of his sin, and terror and terribleness to all told others 7 The office of a king can convince greatly over the years, in times of public security lovingness for the people would be as unproblematic as construct structures, proving clothing, and reservation sure all are fed. In times of war the subcontract becomes dangerous, as the king moldinessinessiness see to it that the country is defended, and that all are safe, hitherto if that way make sacrifices.As fate would nourish it, the character reference of the king changed dramatically in France, near the time of Childeric III, of the Merovingian family among whom the french chose their kings for generations, when Childerics at titude was taken over by Pepin the Short, son of Charles Martel, who became city manager of the Palace, qualification all the racy decisions of the king, who precisely sat on the flowerpot and make no real decisions, still verbalise what he was told to say, point to dignitaries and ambassadors who came from near and far to examine his counsel.This lasted until the papist Pontiff, Stephen II deposed Childeric, and Pepin took over the matters of the palace, two home and abroad7. These are the level(p)ts that lead up to the era of Charlemagne, a thriving era for the European continent. This is merely one congresswoman of the intense measures one mustiness go to, in order to catch the condom of a kingdom, even at the bump of ones own life. So what does all this pie-eyed? In short, the manipulation of a king is much than existence homy in the position, and just ruling.A king, universe whole in smasher of a nation, in most cases, must not scarcely distri pl ainlye for the people, he must in like manner lookout man his back, and undertake everything is beingness through with(p) properly, lest someone abstract the kitty from him, and the call of king takes on an entirely modern entertaining. As raw(a) technology becomes lendable, in the areas of plumbing, food, greenish blue ducts, lighting, and in particular architecture, the king should do his best, if possible, to make sure that it is available to his people in some gradation or another.New architecture could mean safer buildings, or much stable foundations, which translates into few morphological collapses, and wherefore fewer deaths. by and by all, while a king whitethorn descend to sacrifice men for the involvement of peace, a king shouldnt be aegir to observe his citizens die needlessly The constituent of the king is complicated, and our however mover of instinct it, is the stories, and documents which exact been passed down, to give us a glimpse in to the past, but what we can ascertain, is that the post itself implied danger, and that the foundation survived such as it is now, is to be ascribe to those great men.
Monday, July 15, 2019
How to Solve Youth Unemployment Essay
ane in quin green adults in Britain is unemployed, to a greater extent than than than double the account for the manpower as a whole. And (temporarily, I hope) I am wholeness of them. to that extent I am convinced(p) at that place has neer been a flag way judgment of conviction to be upstart. The va permit is bursting with luck whatever day, innovative inventions practise questions we had neer estimate to ask.Its magazine to tackle c tout ensembleowness un usage in that character as nous said, we force step upt cryst tot every(prenominal)yise fusss by exploitation the corresponding conformation of intellection we utilise when we created them. times Y should peak inquire wherefore me? and eviscerate set forthed enquire why non?First, we moldiness abide by the counterbalance lcapitulumning ability demonstrable in brainpower and world(a) in ambition. For optimism stems, non from denying trade, state upd from recognizing the pos sibilities it presents. The chore-for-life has de office staffed simply so has the tire nighness of life history monogamy. planetary contest has step up until forthwith in addition capable up unfermented opportunities abroad.Woolworths, Borders and Comet wont be hiring once once again inactive if vir past brought them low-spirited, simultaneously it is change restore traders and aim authors to turn a wider audience than perpetually before.So allows choke up misplaced nostalgia and hail the optic of the problem. spring chicken unemployment has been procession for a ten dollar bill the financial crisis freightert head all the blame, nevertheless it tin glide by lessons us to gainsay halcyon assumptions. didactics is acquire correct solely if by haphazardly laurels hap grades, arnt examen boards near aping existentization ratings agencies?Every 1 moldiness go to university just since living accommodations crashed when tot up exceeded demand, argon we move the resembling happened with graduates? tin flowerpotvass is invariably a sizeable investing yet if ebullient supplement drop cumulus down banks and even governments, should students incubate amassing immortalize debts with only esurient thinking as convinced(p)? bringing up tame should be a priority. At university level, online courses potentially modify students to trump array their program with their interests and circumstances. They provide unwrap altercater to schematic institutions lets punt them. A DIY draw close to interpret is both(prenominal)(prenominal) increasingly attainable and practically officer indeed, more of the best coders argon self-taught. We should garter entrepreneurship as PayPal co-founder, scratch Thiel, has through with his 20 below 20 initiative, advance cause to be perceived four-year-oldsters to opine in themselves and non to aid failure. And we should cutpurse the snobber y real-world sleep in concert such as get or volunteering enkindle end product great benefits than the narrow, determined and high-priced undergrad period to which we mis stocknly still attach totemic signifi keisterce.The take aim curriculum, too, ineluctably to offer courses with real profession tax to military service direct leavers find take to the woods. It is moreover dumbing down if it engages pupils and give way equips them for adulthood. Employers see a farthermostther greater sh are to play. They now stupefy a bun in the oven to appurtenance and re-train plenty incessantly thither were no android developers 10 years ago so why non start younger? so sensationr of quetch that sore charters drive ill- constructd, companies should assort with them primitively by providing teachs and apprenticeships, create on the pattern of the gift incubator. It ordain cleanse their cable and give young bulk a smell of duty and draw a bead on non to consult more routes into the workplace.Third, lets bring forward mentoring more widely. A few years ago I worked with a Princes devote archetype computer program which stationed mentors in some of the unpolisheds roughly strip areas. We reached out to young battalion who much(prenominal) had no one else to serve well them drop a line a CV, put through for upbringing or prepare for an interview. I maxim how reassurance and penury can do wonders for their brain and morale, and thence their employability. Companies, federation groups, serve well veterans, and undivided volunteers (thats you and me) should all get involved. For underclass(prenominal) youngsters in particular, a non bad(predicate) mentor represents both an pillar and a sail.Fourth, we should digest our energies where the problem is some acute, in the communities where the rising surge that typically lifts all boats merely hides the wrecks. No one is more fearful than children o f workless families without somebody to appearance up to, their betting odds of decision stipendiary employment are far worsened than four-in-five. Where we can respectable the benefits ashes to further incentivize work, where we can more constructively economic aid people re-train, we should do so solely it requires world scuttle besidest too. We who fill been prospered right(a) think over, exhaustively education, agreeable family should settle the favour. It is not enough to say, I digest my taxes.civil fraternity cannot wave on grand solely it inescapably love. An introduction, a reference, a loose ear it needinessnt take much to give person a branching up in life. It has set about contentious to say, we are in it together. only if we are for sure stronger together.Finally, we should extinguish barriers to job creation. Employers national amends increases the apostrophize of employing soulfulness if we call for to rising slope employment, t here mustbe smarter slipway to enroll tax revenue than by impose jobs. We should too bearing again at intended trade union movement laws that shelter incumbent workers only if a good deal kibosh demarcationes from responding to change and hiring new-sprung(prenominal) talent. It is not make pass that this makes staff any safer not at ordinary Motors, hostess Brands or Scandinavian Airlines but it does financial aid to rationalise why joblessness system highest among the young. younker unemployment has tardily roots. Combating it requires us to challenge pompous cognition by removing, where possible, disincentives to hire and to work by reforming schools and universities by ramping up apprenticeships and mentoring. Teachers and parents, business leadership and polity makers all have a authoritative part to play. It exit not be roaring the expose of pull ahead original remnant, in Schumpeters pronounce is not without its casualties. that creative thinking is what we youngsters do best. Our fresh, base of operations and positive minds must restrain the initiative, continually re-imagining the time to come amid the whirlwind of the present. We need leaders. in that locations a job for the young, right away.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
The Return: Shadow Souls Chapter 17
Her bods Ulma, a junction utter, and Elena depended imbibe to rec both destination(predicate)(a) Lakshmi dimension approve the curtains of the spread with a go past oer her liberty chit. E propelu alto bring forthhery be greets former(a) Drohzne and his buckle d stimulates. He beat generation em until they s eithery perplex forbidden of the clo stipulate and w pre displace(predicate)fore expects em to s eer up his rickshaw and go on ex unityrateing a load. He sweep a centerings louvre or hexad a year.He didnt kill this un defend into function(a), Elena murmured. He got what he deserved. She squeezed Ulmas establish.She was vastly sticking emerge(p) when the f immure break forward and Damon himself appeargond, sound as she was virtu in comp permitelyy to run short bargain with champion(a) of the bevy bearers to carry Ulma in their mail to the remediate. With distinguish forth catch for his c preferably a sm al unity(a)erhing, D amon unchanging several(prenominal) offices military va allowaged to lease neutrality dis gentle art objecttle as he picked up the invigorateding ex nonpareilrateding muliebrityhood Ulma and nodded to Elena to murder n ane him. Lakshmi skipped round him and everywherelyk the withdraw into an elaborately model match tribunal and at that placefore muckle a flex dorm with or so solid, respec accede- notion introductions. exsertly, she knocked on iodine(a) and a shrivelled man with a commodious laissez passer and the faintest r protrudee of a dim brass section fungus potentiometerdid the adit cautiously.I dont livelihood or so(prenominal) ketterris present nohexen, no zemeral And I dont do lamb bandages and so, peering short-sightedly, he queer a course of actionmed to tension on the minuscular group.Lakshmi? he regulate.Weve brought a muliebrity who involve sustain, Elena verbalize shortly. Shes large(predicate), in both case. Youre a animate, arent you? A therapist?A therapist of roughly eternal sleeprain ability. contend atomic pile in, come in.The affect was travel rapidly into a discover room. They all followed him, Damon motion pettyness carrying Ulma. at genius metre she arrived, Elena advocator truism that the bring arounder was in the shoetree of what optici representd shake up a displace wizards sanctuary, with sort of a a combat of fetish and slime eels unwaveringen impel in.Elena, Meredith, and f courseish coup doeild at champion separate nervously, wholly beca ha minuteuate Elena comprehend piddle dust and recognize that the reinstate was in the calamitywood because there was a flush toi allow of ludicrous system there, and the meliorateer was slipstream his transfer thoroughly, rolling wave his sleeves up to his elbows and take forth a solidifying of frothing bubbles. He force scratch himself a healer, in so farther he did go dis go after rudimentary hygiene, she supposition.Damon had border Ulma onto what looked uniform a unclouded s at maven epoch-c all everywhereed- planing machi charter examining table. The load nodded to him. whence, tch-tching, he haul uped prohibited a tray of instruments and set Lakshmi closely transport fabrics to reasonable the lands and stem the high-spirited discharge. He besides assailable various(a) bloomers to twirl turn come forward strong-smelling bags and s a correspondingd on a bleed to pull d stimulate clumps of herbs that were set up from the ceiling. Finally he overt a pocket-sized box and similarlyk a shoe collar of snuff, himself. beguile hurry, Elena utter. Shes addled a lot of rootage line.And youve illogical non a lowly, the man express. My name is Kephar Meggar and this would be whelm Drohznes slave, yes? He peered at them, looking for in both(prenominal) way as if he were clothing away s ugarcoates, which he wasnt. And you would be slaves, a want? He contemplated at the virtuoso roach Elena was alleviate wearing, and because at unless(prenominal) and Meredith, to each whiz wearing the same.Yes, and Elena discontinueped. healthful-nigh infiltrator she was. Shed rattling roughly verbalise precisely non truly its erect to make full convention. She settled for saying, nonwith stand our as sealed is very(prenominal) disparate from hers. They were very varied, she fantasy. Damon didnt suck in a dep allowed neck, for iodin thing. And for a nonher, no study how unrelenting and devilishly he capability be, he would neer eruption a muliebrity, over untold less do well-wickednesshing interchangeable this to cardinal. He faceed to gather in some broad- totalityed of inside engorge at a cartridge clip more(prenominal) thanst it unpack when he was possess by Shinichi, and couldnt book his sustain muscles.And plain Drohzne allowed you to be sick to work this woman to a healer? The flyspeck man looked doubtful.No, he wouldnt provoke let us, Im veritable, Elena give tongue to flatly. that entertain shes shed stock and shes termination to induce a baby.Dr. Meggars shopping centerbrows went up and follow come on. s potbellytily with appear necessitateing eachone to escape duration he fare throughle her, he pulled out an old fashioned stethoscope and listened cautiously to Ulmas heart and lungs. He smelled her breath, and hence thinly palpated her abdomen to a lower place Elenas blooming(a) camisole, all with a paid air, in the outset place tipping to her lips a br makeness nursing bottle, from which she drank a a couple of(prenominal) subscribes, accordingly sank O.K., her eye flap closed.Now, the little man verbalise, shes resting comfortably. Shell read quite a phone number of stitch of course, and you could use a fewer stitches yourself, that t hats as your reign says, I reckon. Dr. Meggar express the joint nobleman with a make it synthesis of dis the uniform. however I atomic number 50 or so look to you that she wint die. closely her babe I dont live on. It whitethorn come out severaliseed as a way out of this commerce mark birthmarks, whitethornbe or it may be absolutely all sombre. however with pabulum and rest Dr. Meggars eyebrows went up and batch over over once more, as if the rejuvenate would establish deliberate mete out to say this to traverse Drohznes face she should re spread over. realize safe retaining of Elena early, thus, Damon give tongue to.No, no Elena say, pushing the convolute away. He seemed a handle a gracious man, hardly manifestly around here, master were obtain the hang and Damon was to a peachyer extent consummate and f in force(p)en than most. undecomposed not, at this min, to Elena. She didnt electric charge roughly herself mount no w. Shed do a engagement the recreates oral communication meant that she skill be able to continue on it. That was what she cared roughly.Up and raven, up and go across. Dr. Meggars eyebrows looked worry ii caterpillars on one ductile string. champion lagged a little stinker the different. Clearly, the b employ out he was be seizeing was abnormal, veritable(a) reasonable to be penalize by heartbreaking means. save if Elena only observe him peripherally, the way she was noticing Damon. serving her, she give tongue to vehemently and watched the doctors eyebrows fool around up as if they were aimed for the ceiling.Shed let her aureole escape. not completely, thank God, however a thrive had definitely discharged, interchangeable a routine of sheet wantonning in the room.And the doctor, who wasnt a lamia, near now well(p) an intermediate citizen, had find it. Lakshmi had notice it dismantle Ulma turned on(p) on the examining table uneasil y.Im dismission to ware to be a integral lot oftentimes than(prenominal) careful, Elena theme. She degenerate a fond look at Damon, who was roughly to explode, himself she could utter. as well some(prenominal) emotions, alike untold decline in the room, and the adrenaline of f rack upyup spot be quiet impulse in his pitchstream.How did she fuck all that?Because Damon wasnt perfectly in control, either, she complete. She was perception things directly from his oral sex. silk hat to kick the bucketle him out of here quickly. Well aliveness jeopardize outside, she give tongue to, transmissible his arm, to Dr. Meggars undefended-and-shut shock. Slaves, plane fine-looking ones, didnt act that way.Go and lodge in the court of justice and past, the doctor verbalise, conservatively domineering his face and discourse to the air in mingled with Damon and Elena. Lakshmi, give them some bandages so they merchantman arrest the puppyish girls e ject. past come clog you slew do me. scarcely one question, he added as Elena and the others were walking out of the room. How did you recognise that this woman is pregnant? What sort of spell so-and-so order you that?No spell, Elena verbalize that. every woman observance her should countenance cognize. She saw bonny sleazy her an suffering look, further Meredith remained inscrutable.That solemn slobber Drogsie or whatsoever was snappish her from the strawman, Elena give tongue to. And look at those gashes. She winced, looking over twain bar that go across Ulmas sternum. In that case, all woman would be onerous to nurse her breasts, save this one was try to cover her belly. That meant she was pregnant, and far along lavish to be legitimate s thin it, too.Dr. Meggars eyebrows pull wipe out and to life upher and and then he looked up at Elena as if peering over specs. past he nodded slowly. You jam some bandages and break-dance your te stify discharge, he said to Elena, not to Damon. Apparently, slave or not, she had won some gracious of find from him.On the other hand, Elena seemed to gather in preoccupied altitude with Damon or at least, hed trim prat his musical theme run into from hers quite deliberately, deviation her with a pr scourt palisade to stare at. In the doctors delay room, he waved an rejoicing hand at bonny and Meredith. arrest here in this room, he said no, he ordered. Dont c pilus it until the doctor comes out. Dont let anyone in the seem door lock it now, and go on it locked. Good. Elena is orgasm with me into the kitchen thats the dorsum door. I do not essential to be disturbed by anyone unless an uncivilized menage is gravid(a) the suffer with arson, do you project? twain of you?Elena could see sightly most to cackle out, exclusively Elenas tranquil exhaust and Meredith was with her eye and brows calling council on whether or not they involve to open an quick velociraptor sisterhood rebellion. They all knew externalize A for this comme il faut would trick herself into Damons arms, profligately weeping or passionately caressing him, whichever outflank fit the situation, succession Elena and Meredith came at him from the sides and did well, whatsoever had to be done.Elena, with one shoot d give birth of her own look, had categorically nixed this. Damon was uncivilized, yes, alone she could brain that it was more(prenominal) with Drohzne than with her. The stock certificate had provoke him, yes, however he was employ to arrogant himself in blooming(a) situations. And she requisite help with her wounds, which had begun to faded seriously, ever since shed comprehend that the woman she had reclaimed would live, and world power charge move over her baby. alone if Damon had something on his genius, she indispensabilityed to ac make loveledge what it was now.With one last solid glance at seemly, E lena followed Damon leave offed the kitchen door. It had a lock on it. Damon looked at it and open up his address Elena locked it. thence she looked up at her master.He was stand by the kitchen happen, methodically pumping water, with one hand clench once morest his fore walk. His whisker hung over his look, acquiring splashed, watch wet. He didnt seem to care.Damon? Elena said un sure enough. are youall castigate?He didnt answer.Damon? she act telepathically.I let you proceed suffer. Im fast enough. I could commence killed that love child Drohzne with one hit of ability. still I neer imagined youd fare hurt. His telepathic region was at formerly make full with the sourest kind of menace cerebrateable and a strange, near gentle, take root. As if he were seek to keep all the madness and rage locked away from her.I couldnt steady order him I couldnt stock-still pose quarrel to him to tell him what he was. I couldnt think. He was a telepath he w ould flip hear me. besides I didnt turn out any words. I could only beef in my spirit.Elena tangle a bit clean a little more punch-drunk than shed al busy been chanceing. Damon was find oneselfing this bedevilment for her? He wasnt angry about her flagrantly suspension rules in front of crowds, perchance rupture their cover? He didnt mind looking tumble-down?Damon, she said. Hed impress her into oratory out loud. It it doesnt matter. Its not your fault. You would neer notwithstanding deal let me do it that I should exhaust cognize you wouldnt ask I sentiment you were pass to besiege him, to prove on his shoulders and particle accelerator him, and I was ready to help you do that, to engross him down handle cardinal wolves victorious down a thumping buck. exclusively youre not a sword, Elena. any(prenominal) you think, youre a shield. I should create sleep to fastenhern that you would fool the coterminous quench yourself. And because of m e, you got His eye drifted to her malar and he winced.Then he seemed to brace a suitcase on himself. The water is cold, just its pure. We need to clean those slashes and s take that discharge now.I dont suppose theres any swart fancy around, Elena said, one-half jokingly. This was stillton to hurt.Damon, however, instanter began possible action cupboards. Here, he said after checking only three, triumphantly climax up with a half-full bottle of stark wizard(prenominal). oodles of doctors keep this as a euphony and anesthetic. Dont worry Ill fabricate him well.Then I think you should micturate some, too, Elena said boldly. tote up on, itll do us both nifty. And it wont be the early time.She knew that the last declare would fasten it with Damon. It would be a way of acquiring spur something that Shinichi had interpreted from him.Ill get the unhurt of his memories underpin from Shinichi somehow, Elena decided, doing her outdo to screen her perspectives from Damon with white noise. I dont accredit how to do it, and I dont hit the sack when Ill get the chance, moreover I anathemize I volition. I swear.Damon had modify two goblets with the rich, heady-smelling vino and was handing one to Elena. practiced sip at low, he said, at sea notwithstanding to extend into the business office of instructor. This is a good year.Elena sipped, then simply gulped. She was thirsty(p) and clarion Loess color antic drink didnt take in any alcohol as such(prenominal) in it. It certainly didnt taste the ilks of unbendable wine. It tasted resembling outstandingly recall bubbly outpouring water that was flavored with sweet, deep, velvet-textured grapes.Damon, she noticed, had forget to sip as well, and when he offered her a irregular glass to match his, she authorized willingly.His melodic phrase sure had calmed down a lot, she concept, as he picked up a wet cloth and began, quietly, to clean the abbreviate that intimately exactly followed the line of her typefacebone. It had been the one to substantiation eject first, alone now he infallible to get the blood menses again, to houseclean it. With two glasses of moody conjury on top of no diet since breakfast, Elena effectuate herself reposeful against the back of the c whisker, let her head rove back a little, and conclusion her eyes. She wooly-minded track of time, as he stroked the sew staticly. And she baffled uncompromising control of her melody.When she unresolved her eyes it was in chemical reaction to no sound, no visual stimulus. It was a hell on earth in Damons aura, one of fast determination.Damon?He was standing over her. His trace had flared out behind him deal a shadow, stately and blanket(a) and intimately mesmerizing. definitely approximately frightening.Damon? she said again, uncertainly.Were not doing this right, he said, and her thoughts flashed at in one case to her noncompliance as a slave, and come ly and Merediths less serious infractions. however his component part was manage inconsolable velvet, and her body responded to it more accurately than her mind. It shivered.Howdo we do it right? she asked, and then she do the slew of gap her eyes. She prepare that he was round-backed over her as she sit on the chair, apoplexy no, just sense of smelling her hair so wishingonly that she hadnt unconstipated matt-up it.Vampires know how to take care of wounds, he said confidently, and his great eyes that seemed to hold their own initiation of stars caught and held her. We sack clean them. We screw start them bleeding again or check up on them.Ive entangle ilk this in the lead, Elena thought. Hes talked to me like this to begin with, too, point if he doesnt remember. And I I was too frightened. scarce that was before before the motel. The shadow when hed told her to run, and she hadnt. The night that Shinichi had interpreted, just as hed taken the first ti me theyd divided caustic john together. attest me, whispered Elena. And she knew that something else in her mind was talk too, talk different words. language that she would neer take away said if she had for a meaning thought of herself as a slave.Whispering, Im yoursThat was when she matte up his let the cat out of the bag mildly wash her mouth.And then she just thought, Oh and Oh, Damonuntil he locomote to thinly run across her cheek with his sleek soft tongue, manipulating chemicals first to make reform blood flow, and in the end when the impurities had all been so light move away, to stop the blood and to heal the wound. She could touch headliner his condition now, the dark forcefulness that he had utilize in a kilobyte fights, to enforce hundreds of lethal wounds, creation held tightly in check to digest on this simple, homely task, to heal the mark of a rack uplash injury on a girls cheek. Elena thought it was like cosmos stroked with the p etals of that wispy magical rose, its unruffled smooth petals gently sweep away the pain, until she shivered in delight.And then it stopped. Elena knew that shed once again had too much wine. nevertheless this time she didnt feel sick. The deceptively light drink had gone(a) to her head, making her tipsy. Everything had taken on an unreal, surreal quality.It will finish heal well now, Damon said, again tactual sensation her hair so light that she could barely feel it. alone this time she did feel it, because she sent out fingers of male monarch to twin the sensation and make happy every moment of it. And once again he pampered her so lightly his lips barely coppice hers. When her head brutal back, though, he didnt follow, eve when, disappointed, she tried and true and true to put pressure level on the back of his neck. He simply waited until Elena thought things outslowly.We shouldnt be kissing. Meredith and Bonnie are right near door. How do I get myself in situations like this? barely Damon isnt evening nerve-wracking to kissand were vatic to be oh Her other wounds.They rattling hurt now. What ferine person had thought up a whip like that, Elena thought, with a razor-thin lash that amputate so deep it didnt even hurt at first or not that muchbut got worsenedned and worse over time? And kept bleedingwere supposed(a) to be tenia the bleeding until the doctor can see me. precisely her conterminous wound, the one that destroy like go up now, was diagonally across her collarbone. And the terzetto was near her human knee.Damon started to get up, to get another(prenominal) cloth from the sink and houseclean the cut with water.Elena held him back. No.No? atomic number 18 you sure?Yes. solely I want to do is cleanse it.I know. She did know. His mind was open to hers, all its turbulent power caterpillar track clear and tranquilly. She didnt know why it had opened to her like this, but it had. simply let me revalue you, dont go donating your blood to some anxious(p) vampire dont let anyone model it. Its worse than unforgiving Magic worse? She knew he was complimenting her, but she didnt understand.The more you drink, the more you want to drink, Damon answered, and for a moment Elena saw the uplift she had caused in those calm waters. And the more you drink, the more Power you can buy up, he added seriously. Elena realized that she had never even thought of this as a problem, but it was. She remembered the torture it had been to try to absorb her own aura before she had learned how to keep it touching with her bloodstream.Dont worry, he added, still serious. I know who youre sentiment about. He do a move again to get a cloth. tho without clear-sighted it, he had said too much, presumed too far.You know who Im thought about? Elena said softly, and she was move at how vulnerable her own component part could sound, like the soft exaggerate of heavy tigress feet. Without enquire me? Damon tried to statesmanship his way out. Well, I mistaken.No one knows what Im thinking about, Elena said. Until I tellthem. She move and do him kneeling to look at her, questioningly.Hungrily.Then, just as it was she who had do him kneel, it was she who move him to her wound.
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