Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Ifsm 300 Umuc Haircuts Stage 2 - 694 Words
IFSM 300 UMUC Haircuts Stage 2 Click Link Below To Buy: Case Study, Stage 2: Business Process Analysis and Technology Solution Proposal Before you begin this assignment, be sure you have read the â€Å"UMUC Haircuts Case Study†, â€Å"UMUC Haircuts Stage 1†Project and the â€Å"Walmart Example.†You will use the strategic business area and process that you selected in Stage 1; review the feedback you received for any recommended changes to your Stage 1 project prior to starting this assignment and be sure you have an appropriate â€Å"process†identified. Purpose of this Assignment This assignment gives you the opportunity to apply your analysis skills to model a business process.†¦show more content†¦The proposed information technology solution should address the revised business process and should be appropriate to UMUC Haircuts. The solution will be briefly described, and an explanation given for why and how this propo sed solution will improve the business process. Be sure to read the instructions for the remaining projects in this Case Study (Stages 3-5) to get an understanding of the future projects that build on the proposed solution and to help you in deciding upon your solution. You want to propose a solution that can be used in the assignments that follow this one, so be selective and choose an appropriate solution. Assignment For this assignment you will use the process identified for improvement in your Stage 1 Project. There are 2 parts to this assignment. Part 1: Business Process Analysis - Models of the AS IS Process and the TO BE Process. The various course resources provided for Week 2 illustrate several different methods of modeling business processes. You may use any of the models shown (or follow the example provided in the Walmart Example), to analyze the process you identified for improvement,breaking it down into sequential steps and modeling it. You may use Microsoft Word, Show MoreRelatedAssignment : Umuc Haircuts Stage 1888 Words  | 4 PagesMilanka Perera IFSM-300 Assignment: UMUC Haircuts Stage 1: I. Introduction: UMUC Haircuts, is a business started in 1995 by Myra. In the recent years she has seen an increase in competition from multiple other competitors. The latest update is that there is a Hair Cuttery that will open about 5 miles away, Myra is worried about how the new salon might affect her business. She wants to continue to grow as a business and increase her profits by improving some area of her salon. II. Five Forces
Monday, December 16, 2019
Confucius Was A Philosopher Fascinated With Tao, Meaning...
Confucius was a philosopher fascinated with Tao, meaning â€Å"way†as a means to interpret the effortless actions of a society thriving under a Ritual form. He believed that the most faultless examples of the Way were the sage-rulers; they led lives which involved the ritualistic process known as li (â€Å"Way†). They acted with spontaneity and selflessness, the ruler’s actions followed their Ritual part within their community. The Analects goes into vivid detail about the way, its definition, as well as humanity and the uncertainty of what being humane encompasses. As humans we tend to long for a higher power, something more than just existing and perishing; though we struggle with understanding exactly what that deity is. We seek to be humane individuals, but what exactly does it mean to be humane. Humanity and the way seem to go hand in hand because in order to follow the way one must be altruistic. The Master discusses in depth with Adept Kung about Yen Hui, saying that they are nothing like Yen Hui who he refers to as a piece of rotting wood. Adept Kung seemed to envy Yen Hui for being able to decipher a message and interpret numerous meanings from it whereas Kung can only understand a few meanings from the message. The Master tells Kung not to be jealous of Hui; he may seem flawless, but appearances can be deceiving. We do not always appreciate what we are given instead we tend to long for what others possess. The Master warns Kung that he should be grateful for what he has;Show MoreRelatedReligion And Its Role Within Societies 600 B.c11006 Words  | 45 Pagespeople even before you got to know them. The unique features of ancient religions were that they were all polytheistic, meaning that they recognized many gods, instead of one main one. And the problem with this was that in the ancient history, before the invention of writing, nothing was written down: stories were told verbally, laws were passed on verbally, and writing thin gs down was an incredible task for the ancient people, and gave incredible glory to the people that did it, because if it’s writtenRead MoreThe Influence of Music on Self and Society - Values in Music in Eastern and Western Cultures8787 Words  | 36 Pagesof musics moral and ethical power, and how that power affects individuals and societies, is one that receives too little attention in our post-modern world. Ancient cultures held strong beliefs in the moral and ethical power of music and as such it was imperative for artists within those cultures to exercise a certain moral and ethical responsibility in their creative endeavors. As a professional musician for over thirty years I concur with that premise and it is primarily from the axiological
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Risk Management Customers and the Industries
Question: Describe about the Risk Management for Customers and the Industries. Answer: Introduction Dales Inc. is an international solar company that manufactures and sells specialist solar panels and components to the customers and to the industries in the UK. The company uses the Dales Inc.s Intelligent software to determine the purchases made by the customers and thereby recommend other products by email. The software has been beneficial as it allowed the company to achieve a growth in the sales trend (Soin Collier, 2013). However, the company faced a security breach that affected almost 5,000 customers of the company. The study analyses the weakness present in both the control environment as well as the internal controls that supported the loss of the data and information from the software. Based on the weakness of the company, the recommendation is made that helps to gain back the confidence of the customers and further prevent the issues from occurring in future. Weakness in the control environment and the internal controls that cause data loss Dales Inc. suffered a huge security breach that affected the company to a large extent as the company lost a number of important data about the customers. The ineffective security system of the company has been one of the reasons behind the breach. The scenario occurred when a laptop of one of the contractors of the IT department was stolen from the car. The contractor was a data analyst covering the sickness absence and was unaware of the security procedure of the company (Rockafellar Uryasev, 2013). The contractor being too casual about the security system had copied the details of the customers from the secure company server onto a memory and then to the personal laptop. It can be thus implied that the management of the company was not completely aware of the organisational rules, policies and systems and the improper communication gave way to the breach in the company. The organisation faced a lot of downfall as a number of potential customers turned against the company. There was a number of complaints filed against the company by the customers. From studying the complaints, it was observed that the complaints were received mainly from the customers whose files were present on the laptop and the memory card. The major weakness of the in the control environment and the internal controls of the company is that there is an absence of appropriate risk management system present (Bromiley et al., 2015). Recommendation that help the company to restore the confidence of the customers and prevent the issues The loss of the data and the breach that took place in the Dales Inc. caused the company to observe a drastic downfall in the organisational performance. The customers had a number of complaints against the company as they were highly dissatisfied with the irresponsibility of the organisation and the harassment they had to face. In order to deal with the circumstances, the policy of Dales Inc. was to gain clarification from the account holder and suggest them that the order might have been placed by someone else in the family who knew the password of the account and was thus able to operate it (Rampini, Sufi Viswanathan, 2014). Moreover, the customer service department of the company wrote to all the customers who held an account in the company. The customers were asked to cancel any sort of disputed charges on the account. Moreover, to gain the customer loyalty, they asked the customers to review the transactions on their individual credit card statement to identify if there has been any sort of unauthorised payments. There was a number of customers who complained about the company to the major new channels of that area (Kaplan Mikes, 2012). As a result, many potential customers disputed their payments that were made over the past few months. In the opinion of McNeil, Frey Embrechts, (2015), the company will be able to avoid the situation from happening again in the future and also gain back the customer by adopting certain risk management strategies. Determining board risk oversight responsibility is one of the strategies that will help the organisation to manage the risk present in the organisation. It is the managers who are responsible for the risk management and the board of the company is responsible for looking after the management process. This helps the boards to identify, monitor and mitigate the risk present in the organisation. Moreover, enhancing the risk intelligence allows the company to perceive the risk management at all the levels of the organisation and thus allows the company to carry out the business despite the risk. Glendon, Clarke McKenna, (2016) mentioned that it is important to communicate the responsibilities and make the contractor aware of the security management system present in the workpl ace. Thus, aligning the risk management with the strategies will help Dales Inc. to achieve the desired objectives regarding risk management and gaining the customers confidence. Desirability of capital investment in the UK Dales Inc. shows the keen interest in the investment of capital in the UK in order to manufacture industrial solar panels as the financial manager claims to gain the higher profit from the investment. As per the evaluation, the capital expenditure of 10m would be required while an extra 1m will be recovered from the project at the end of five years. The annual revenue from the project as estimated by the finance of Dales Inc. was 2m with an operating cost of 1m. The investment project is considered to be a zero scrap value project. The company desires the capital investment in the UK as the industrial solar industry there has an equity beta of 1.40. The ratio between the average debt and the equity gearing ratio has been 1.4. The debt capital was further found to be virtually free from risk. The current return on the government stock of UK was 9% and the excess market return was 9.17%. Thus, the market of UK was suitable for the capital investment. Dales Inc. would be able to gain the higher profit from the investment. Nevertheless, the company gains certain additional benefits from the capital investment. The corporate tax being 35% in the UK, the managers would be able to pay the tax without delay. In the opinion of Lam, (2014), there would not be any US tax on the project due to the double-taxation agreement. The project is considered to be desirable for Dales Inc. as the managers estimate positive outcome from the investment project. The company is able to recover the invested amount plus an extra amount fr om the investment and hence, the undertaking of the project is recommendable for Dales Inc. Limitations and difficulties of using the Capital Asset Pricing Model The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) is a model that describes the relationship between the systematic risk and the expected return on the assets and the stocks of the organisation. Chance Brooks, (2015) argued on the implementation of the model in the organisation due to the various limitation of the model. The values have to be assigned to risk-free rate of return, a rate of return, equity risk premium (ERP) and the equity beta before using the model. The evaluation of the ERP value is a difficult task. The CAPM does not provide the managers of the company with a clear view about the average stock return. Christoffersen, (2012) further criticised the model by stating that it fails to describe why small shares serve better outcome than the large shares. According to Pritchard PMP, (2014), Capital Assets Pricing Model (CAPM) can be carried out perfectly in time while there is a chance of mispricing the shares. The unqualified alpha can be zero when the alpha is either not conditional, beta fluctuation occurs with time or there is market equity or volatility (Sadgrove, 2016). The CAPM is also unable to illustrate the premium values. Thus, the limitations and the difficulties of the capital asset pricing model suggest that the company needs to be very careful regarding the implementation of the model in the business. Conclusion Dales Inc. experiences the breach in the organisation due to the ineffective control system and the improper risk management system considered by the managers. The breach resulted in the loss of the useful data or the information about the potential customers of the company. This scenario caused the company to lose a number of customers as they lost the confidence on Dales Inc. The company had the various weakness that resulted in the loss of the data. It was thus important for the company to consider policies or strategies that would help to address the situation that Dales Inc. had been facing. The consideration of the recommended risk management strategies supports the process of gaining back the confidence of the customers. This would allow the company to gain back the market position. Moreover, the capital investment seems to be desirable in the UK due to the various positive factors. The company would be able to gain a higher profit by investing into the project. However, the Capital Assets Pricing Model (CAPM) has a number of limitations that needs to be kept under consideration while implementing in the business environment. References Bromiley, P., McShane, M., Nair, A., Rustambekov, E. (2015). Enterprise risk management: Review, critique, and research directions.Long range planning,48(4), 265-276. Chance, D. M., Brooks, R. (2015).Introduction to derivatives and risk management. Cengage Learning. Christoffersen, P. F. (2012).Elements of financial risk management. Academic Press. Glendon, A. I., Clarke, S., McKenna, E. (2016).Human safety and risk management. Crc Press. Kaplan, R. S., Mikes, A. (2012). Managing risks: a new framework. Lam, J. (2014).Enterprise risk management: from incentives to controls. John Wiley Sons. McNeil, A. J., Frey, R., Embrechts, P. (2015).Quantitative risk management: Concepts, techniques and tools. Princeton university press. Pritchard, C. L., PMP, P. R. (2014).Risk management: concepts and guidance. CRC Press. Rampini, A. A., Sufi, A., Viswanathan, S. (2014). Dynamic risk management.Journal of Financial Economics,111(2), 271-296. Rockafellar, R. T., Uryasev, S. (2013). The fundamental risk quadrangle in risk management, optimization and statistical estimation.Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science,18(1), 33-53. Sadgrove, K. (2016).The complete guide to business risk management. Routledge. Soin, K., Collier, P. (2013). Risk and risk management in management accounting and control.Management Accounting Research,24(2), 82-87.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The History of Tom Jones Review Essay Example
The History of Tom Jones Review Paper Essay on The History of Tom Jones In his essay time killer, dedicated to Arthur Rimbaud, Henry Miller wrote: God does not want us to come to him blameless We are destined to the knowledge of sin and evil, straying from the true path, to err, to fall into disobedience and despair; were supposed to. resist, as long as enough strength the more complete and humiliating defeat our privilege -. the privilege of people of free spirit to make a choice in favor of God from the heart, eyes wide open, willing, which is more expensive than any other desire blameless He God.! to anything. He is the one who plays . Heaven for eternity All fuller and deeper imbues knowledge, more and more burdened by guilt that is the privilege of the person from the guilt is not free anyone, what level does not reach, you precipitated new commitments, new mans sins depriving innocent, God has made it.. in a possible ally. Giving him the mind and will, he gave him the right to choose. and the man in his wisdom will always choose God. I deliberately cite as a bulk quotation, because I believe that it is the best reiterates one of the main ideas of the novel The History of Tom Jones, Mr. . Ydenysha Let me remind you that the 18th century in which he lived, Henry Fielding, the century of the Enlightenment, and the problem of human nature has been one of the most important for this time. Fielding, in my opinion, was able to fully reveal this other problem, give her an explanation and, oddly enough, a kind of justification inherent optimism of his work. He says that initially the person is not so bad, but the environment can corrupt it, drop to the bottom, having imparted the most disgusting habits and making it thus the epitome of evil. If a person is smart enough and able to take a critical look at their actions and their way of life, draw the necessary conclusions, it will change your life for the better, becoming the path of virtue. But neither reason nor virtue individually do not have the force necessary to defeat the vice. Only their synthesis, is possible only in good heart, capable asbtraktno speaking, put people on the right path, justifying thus even those violations of moral principles, he allowed himself in the past. We will write a custom essay sample on The History of Tom Jones Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The History of Tom Jones Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The History of Tom Jones Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer I think everyone knows the saying learn from the mistakes, To err is human, do not make mistakes only one who does not do anything. In this case, all of the above would be clear. Despite all this, the novel struck me as somewhat naive. Especially the ending, when all the obstacles plagued lovers heroes throughout the narrative, by a happy coincidence instantly collapse, all the villains punished, and virtue rewarded on merit. This happy ending, after which there is a feeling that you cheated. Particular attention should be paid to the aesthetic and theoretical chapters preceding each of the 18 books of the novel. They Fielding says a lot about the problems of the artist and literature in general, about laughter as a great tool in the fight against hypocrisy and vices, which protivopostavletsya human nature as such. In theory, of course, it sounds good, but in practice usually it comes out differently. Whatever it was, in a sense of humor Fielding did not refuse.
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