How to write a concept analysis paper
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
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3RTO Multiple Choice Test Section 1 3RTO: Resourcing Talent Question 1 Talent the board takes a gander at how an association utilizes the abilities of its workforce so as to keep up upper hand. Which of the regions recorded underneath would not be a piece of an ability the board program? Authority improvement Recruitment and determination Succession arranging Payroll handling Question 2 Talent the executives projects can help inspire staff and make them progressively gainful, which thusly benefits the association. One of the accompanying advantages is fanciful, which is it?Able to create aptitudes in light of a vocation way Organizations get good duty motivators for executing ability the board programs More inspiration as the business is supporting representative advancement The association can recognize aptitudes holes in the workforce Question 3 Internal work markets can frequently be the fundamental wellspring of future work prerequisites from inside an association. Which of comin g up next IS NOT a case of the utilization of an interior work advertise? Advancement in an association In-house progression arranging Company ability the executives plans HeadhuntingQuestion 4 External work markets give work arrangements/arrangements which are found from outside the association. From the rundown beneath select the case of the inward work advertise arrangement. Choice from a national pool of up-and-comers Redeployment Headhunting Relocation from another nation Question 5 One of the parts of enlistment recorded beneath is a case of an outside work showcase. Which right? The board progression In-house advancement Hiring by means of a nearby enlistment organization Job revolution Question 6 HR arranging is influenced by an assortment of variables, including those recorded below.However one of them isn't a factor in HR arranging †select which one this is. Representative Turnover Recruitment and choice Natural Wastage Payroll frameworks Question 7 Demand estimating analyzes what occasions may happen inside an association later on, yet among the four zones recorded beneath which isn't a case of interest determining? Scaling back Auditing Expansion Restructuring Question 8 Labor flexibly is influenced by an assortment of elements yet one of the models recorded underneath isn't a factor. Which right? Common wastage Skills blend of work flexibly Employment Levels InflationQuestion 9 Calculating representative turnover can be a helpful proportion of worker commitment and staff maintenance. One of the models recorded underneath doesn't shape some portion of the figuring referenced in your exercise manual †which right? Excusals Redundancy Retirement Redeployment Question 10 Which of coming up next IS NOT a cost from enlistment and determination? Enlistment preparing Advertising Interviewing time Annual Leave Question 11 Referring back to your exercise manual, one of the accompanying bits of enactment has no immediate importance to enrollment. Wh ich right? Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and 1986The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act, 1974 Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 Race Relations Act 1976 Question 12 Getting staff to take on additional obligations can be troublesome without motivators for them, regardless of whether they be budgetary or something else. From the accompanying rundown select which is certifiably not a positive impetus for a representative to acknowledge additional obligations. Further proficient advancement openings Some type of compensation or pay grant You are stressed over what your supervisor will consider you on the off chance that you don't acknowledge It is a piece of your CPD/evaluation goalsQuestion 13 Incentive plans are ordinarily comprised of monetary and non-money related prizes. Which of coming up next is a case of a non-budgetary prize? Execution related compensation Commission plans Flexible working hours End of month/quarter/year rewards Question 14 You would just be relied upon to explain o ne of the accompanying regions during a meeting †which right? Age Academic capabilities Religious convictions Marital Status Question 15 Which of coming up next IS NOT a phase one would expect inside the enrollment procedure? Short rundown/Short posting Long rundown/Long posting Telephone interviewOutplacement Question 16 Recruiters and bosses utilize an assortment of choice techniques to evaluate up-and-comers. Which of the accompanying would be a wrong way to evaluate a candidate’s aptitudes and capacities? Work introductions Interviewing Psychometric testing Religious convictions Question 17 The WASP talk with structure has four phases yet which of coming up next would one say one isn't of them? Welcome Assimilate Supply Part Question 18 Psychometric testing is a well known appraisal technique for bosses when selecting to another job. The following are measures that are a piece of it however one is inaccurate †which is it?Objective Standardized Valid Bias Questio n 19 Which of the accompanying would not shape some portion of an evaluation place? A possibility based meeting Written or oral tests In-plate practices Presentation practices Question 20 An employee’s work substance can be surveyed in an assortment of ways yet one of the models recorded beneath isn't one of them. Which right? Hands on perception Work journals Terms of the agreement of business Job/Work polls Question 21 Listed underneath are four purposes behind managers delivering an expected set of responsibilities, yet one isn't right. Select the INCORRECT statement.To have clear direction about what is anticipated from the person in their job It is a lawful necessity To use as a methods with which to execution oversee staff To help support PDP/advancement plans Question 22 Which of coming up next IS NOT data that you would hope to be remembered for an individual determination? Pay Academic necessities Skills and experience Which components of the job are basic or allurin g Question 23 Effective addressing during a meeting can help make an educated judgment about a candidate’s aptitudes and experience.Which of the models given beneath is a nonexistent addressing procedure? Open addressing Probing addressing Coercive addressing Reflective addressing Question 24 From the rundown underneath would you be able to choose which isn't a fitting methods with which to evaluate an applicant’s appropriateness for a position? Possibility Based inquiries Contact relatives for a reference Assessment focuses Obtaining references Question 25 Which of coming up next IS NOT one of the essential components of undivided attention? Appreciating Retaining Disregarding RespondingQuestion 26 Listening is said to have three unique levels engaged with it, yet one of the accompanying alternatives isn't one of them. Select the bogus level. Undivided attention Peripheral listening Staged listening Attentive listening Question 27 Non verbal correspondence can take an assortment of structures. Alluding back to your exercise manual, which of coming up next is a methods for non-verbal correspondence? Non-verbal communication Telephone calls Face to confront conversations Public talks Question 28 Employment references give data to associations to survey an up-and-comers reasonableness for a role.Below are recorded case of data you would hope to be remembered for a reference, with one special case †which right? Length of administration Job title List of obligations Personal Interests Question 29 Which of coming up next IS NOT a manner by which acceptance procedures can save money on costs? Less time other staff individuals need to go through on preparing inductees Less cash spent on having to continually re-enlist staff individuals It can help the new staff part comprehend the organisation’s culture and work rehearses all the more rapidly Developing HR Information Systems
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Target Express Expanding Strategy to Urban Markets, Customers Term Paper
Target Express Expanding Strategy to Urban Markets, Customers - Term Paper Example 10). Prevalent visitor administration is accomplished through the blend of an assortment of assets, for example, the utilization of visitor call catches, portable applications Target application and Cartwheel, vital arrangement of things on racks, sped up at checkout. The association of practically the entirety of the firm’s assets in improving visitor administration makes it hard for the contenders to emulate in light of the fact that they might not have the specific comparable assets as those accessible to Target Express. About the Target corporate culture, colleagues are utilized as the assets to make progress. The corporate culture is extraordinary and unmistakable from some other organizations. Since the corporate culture includes the representatives of Target and their devotion explicitly, it turns out to be exceptionally hard for contenders to impersonate the equivalent (Goldberg et al. 41). Further, the corporate culture includes a heap of assets which makes uniqueness and as such rendering it unsubstitutable. â€Å"The System†then again is made out of an assortment of assets, for example, gigantic databases used to store the client’s needs and a few PCs. The groups of assets utilized by The System and the linkages between them are uncommon. The System is matchless because of the immense measure of programming included, the groups of assets that are connected together, way reliance and the causal vagueness made in The System (Goldberg et al. 41). Considering Target Express’s want of venture into the urban markets, it is fundamental that center capabilities are either improved or gained/abused where already non-existent. Two of the center skills that require improvement/securing are examined as follows: There are plans to give store representatives iPod Touches, which will assist workers with keeping track of stock and in this way improve administration conveyance to the visitors. The clients may likewise utilize the contacts to
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Herpetophobia or Fear of Reptiles
Herpetophobia or Fear of Reptiles Phobias Types Print Herpetophobia and Its Treatment A Fear of Reptiles and Lizards By Lisa Fritscher Lisa Fritscher is a freelance writer and editor with a deep interest in phobias and other mental health topics. Learn about our editorial policy Lisa Fritscher Updated on June 24, 2019 Chris Cheadle / Getty Images More in Phobias Types Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Treatment Herpetophobia is a fear of reptiles, specifically snakes and lizards. The severity of this relatively common specific phobia can vary drastically, making it difficult to decide without guidance from a mental health professional whether you have a clinical phobia or simply a fear. Specific phobias are an irrational fear of a situation or object, and their boundless number is only limited by the number of nouns in any language. All types of phobia are a serious mental illness, known as an anxiety disorder, and affect 10 to 12 percent of people in the United States. The other two types of phobia are agoraphobia and social phobia (social anxiety disorder). An Evolutionary Phobia There is a theory that herpetophobia, along with arachnophobia (fear of spiders), is an evolutionary phobia. Theorists posit that our ancestors tended to fear animals, both vertebrates, and invertebrates, that could cause harm. So, the sheer number of venomous reptiles in the environment could have caused herpetophobia to develop over time. Herpetophobia Is Highly Personalized Herpetophobia is a very personalized phobia, meaning symptoms can vary greatly from person to person. While you might only be afraid when touching a large snake, another sufferer might have a more severe case and cannot even look at photographs of small, harmless geckos. Your various symptoms of herpetophobia might include: Fear whenever you are in proximity to a reptile or even amphibianThe inability to shop in pet stores that offer reptiles for saleRefusal to go on hiking trips or other activities during which there is a chance of encountering a reptileOverreacting, such as screaming crying, shaking or hyperventilating, if you unexpectedly encounter the reptile of your fear Characteristics of a less severe phobia include being able to tolerate reptiles in the area, but panicking if you come into physical contact with one. Treatment for Herpetophobia A specific phobia only requires treatment if it interferes with your daily activities, including your job and personal relationships. If you think youre exhibiting symptoms of herpetophobia, consult a doctor or therapist to determine if its just an everyday fear or you meet the criteria for a clinical diagnosis. Therapeutic options include: Psychoanalysis, one-on-one talk therapySystematic desensitization, also known as graduated exposure therapy, may include Neuro-Linguistic Programming, virtual reality exposure therapy, eye movement desensitization, and reprocessingPsychoeducation to restructure your phobic thoughtsHypnotherapy With proper treatment, the vast majority of phobias are manageable or curable. Over time, however, untreated phobias can worsen and become life-limiting. Systematic Desensitization Therapy Systematic desensitization, based on the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy, can treat 90 percent of herpeto-phobics successfully. Depending on the severity of your case, according to Tom G. Stevens, Ph.D., a psychologist and professor emeritus at California University, you can guide yourself through the steps or seek the help of a mental health professional. This method takes various forms and is the common mode of treatment for the vast majority of specific phobia cases. It leaves the client in control and never terrorizes or causes discomfort to the person in treatment.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Women s Rights Of Women - 1708 Words
It wasn’t until the early 1960’s when second wave feminism got its start. It focused primarily on mass social change and fought some of the oppression women were and still are facing today. It brought freedom for women in regards to their reproductive rights and sexuality amongst other things. Prior to this cultural shift, the women’s role in society was set. The image of the nuclear household dominated the time, and women were not only expected but in a way forced to become housewives and child bearers. The female Beats came in like a storm, being more interested in sex, drugs, and drinking. Because of sexism, and its undeniable grasp on American society, the male Beats were seen as outcasts, but the female beats suffered even more. The Beats, both males and females, were rebels for themselves. I believe that when they were writing at that time it was more for their own freedom and individual experience then other fellow Americans. Of course, that ended up not being the case, and today, over 60 years later American youth still read their works and feel powerful, inspired, and enlightened. I could write a massive essay of the importance of the female Beat writers as a whole, but today I find it important to focus on one who is still writing, still performing, and still inspiring today; Anne Waldman. Anne Waldman was born April 2, 1945 in a small town in New Jersey. She spent most of her time in New York’s Greenwich Village, a neighborhood known as an artist’s haven. HerShow MoreRelatedWomen s Rights Of Women Essay1455 Words  | 6 Pagesa myriad of women have expressed through outlets such as public assemblies, literature, and speeches. There have been three waves of the women’s movement, each targeting a variety of issues within each era. The third wave was in 1995, where Hillary Clinton spoke in Beijing, China, claiming that women’s rights were the same as human rights, that every aspiring girl deserved the civil liberties that every man was given around the world. Moreover, the movement had shifted towards women in developingRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women1265 Words  | 6 Pagesstands in the way of women being equal to men? Journalist Carlin Flora suggests the following, â€Å"While not all claims to humanity are universal and no one context, culture or continent can truly represent all peoples, the following three examples from very different contexts, cultures and continents show that some violations of women’s human rights are universal. In particular, it is still the case the world over that a woman’s reproductive rights, which impact on her right to life, are still seenRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women881 Words  | 4 PagesTwenty –first century ladies are discovering it a daunting task to keep up both sexual orientation parts as an aftereffect of the women s activist development. They are presently assuming liability for both the supplier and the n urturer, battling like never before to acquire and keep a superior personal satisfaction. Woman s rights has supported in equivalent vocation opportunity, battling to get ladies acknowledged into the employment advertise, and what initially began as ladies strengtheningRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women Essay1647 Words  | 7 Pagesthe early 1920’s, women thought they had achieved the unachievable. They could finally work, keep their earned wages, marry whomever they please, and even vote. After reaching their goal and fighting vigorously, women could taste equality and the freedom they deserved. While women still have the right to work in today’s society, women are not exactly treated equal in the workplace. Regardless of the past and the extreme measures taken to ensure equal opportunities for both men and women, there are manyRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women1590 Words  | 7 Pagesthe 1920s, women were ignored in every aspect of their life. From politics, to soc ial situations, women were constantly looked at as lesser. The 20s was a decade of women ready to fight for their rights. From gaining social freedoms, to getting political rights, the 20s was the first decade of feminism. Many women played key roles in the fight for women s rights through speeches, marches, and much more. The women that fought for their rights in the 1920s completely changed how women live their livesRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women1230 Words  | 5 PagesWomen’s suffrage has stretched from the 1800’s to present day, as women have struggled to have the same civil and constitutional rights as men in politics and be appreciated as equals in the workforce. Groups of women known as suffragists questioned the customary views of women’s roles. Eventually our nation has evolved and realized that male-controlled societies suppress women’s rights. From the beginning steps taken in 1850 to 2013 with women earning combat roles in the military , women’s rolesRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women1206 Words  | 5 Pagesto speak of women and the role of women in this election, the subject of women is tiresome but necessary in a world where gender is still existent as an obstacle for most. I cannot identify what woman is. I am basing my definition from our modern understanding of woman, our general view, and the popular experience. People are using younger women voting for Bernie Sanders as proof of gender’s irrelevant in this election, that women have achieved their rights. Even if women ‘have rights now’ it doesRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women1393 Words  | 6 Pages Women all over the world are being treated different than men. Iran is one of the places that women are being treated the worst. From restrictions to punishments, women in Iran are being treated with no respect, and that is not okay. Women’s rights activists have tried to get it to change, and have traveled to many places to try and get more people to join their movement. There are many issues with women not having the same rights as men. One of the main problems is that they are treated lessRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women1272 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout history, women have fought a strenuous battle for equal rights. Many men, and even some women, all over the world believe that women do not share the same value and importance to society as men do. On September 5, 1995, Hillary Clinton spoke at the 4th World Conference on Women, on behalf of women all over the world. Clinton raised awareness on how women s rights are being violated and why it is important to recognize women s rights as equal to everyone else’s rights. Even today, in 2016Read MoreWomen s Rights Of Women1052 Words  | 5 PagesThe family has traditionally been the basic unit of Chinese society where women have long been charged with upholding society s values in their roles as wives and mothers. Especially in the Qing Dynasty, women were required to balance society s i deals with the reality of raising a family and maintaining a household. Throughout the imperial period and into the beginning of the twentieth century, the relationship among family members was prescribed by Confucian teachings. The revered philosopher
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Osama s Changes, For The Worst - 1246 Words
Osama’s Changes, for the Worst â€Å"We love death, the U.S. loves life. That is the difference between us two.†Osama bin Laden said this himself. This quote shows the hurt that Osama bin Laden wanted to cause us in the U.S. Whenever you think of people who have changed the world, you normally think of their changes being positive, not in his case. Unlike people such as Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, Rosa Parks, Benjamin Franklin, etc, who have changed the U.S. for the better, he made us worse. Bin Laden made us scared, hurt, and unsure where to go from here. He has done a lot more than some may know. He is an evil man who did many evil things, he took the lives of the helpless, innocent, and clueless. America was not this way before.†¦show more content†¦Many people used to have greetings or goodbyes to friends and family at the boarding gate before boarding or un-boarding the plane, that is no longer allowed. Due to new regulations people have claimed from their travel experience that they have had to leave things behind with security such as, deodorant, shampoo, water, soda, fingernail clippers, etc, says (Hagler) New threats on the U.S. after 9/11, resulted in new procedures that included, requiring travelers to remove shoes and no longer allowing them to bring liquids on board. Also, racial profiling has become worse since the attack. Hagler says, â€Å"The Islam religion became a dirty word after 9/11.†There are anti-Muslim opinions and hate crimes that grew in the U.S. Places such as public events, and television have made it known what they now think of the Muslim Community. In America muslims began to be treated differently. They were watched more carefully, and arrested under suspicion only because of their race. In December 2002, up to 700 muslim men had been arrested. Costs of war website says that â€Å"Not a single one of these individuals were ever publicly charged with terrorism.†President Bush even said in January 2001, 8 months before the devastating attack, about racial profiling, â€Å"it’s wrong, and we will end it in America.†Next, 9/11 changed our morals. Andrea LeBlanc said this about the U.S. after the attacks, â€Å"Have we, as Americans,
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Of Mice and Men Euthanasia Free Essays
Death is one of the things humans have to understand in order to be able to live through life. Being born, growing up, learning to survive, and earning a living, these are all the milestones into becoming a statistic. Like dying, mercy is a fortunate circumstance that a person has in any situation towards a variety of offenders. We will write a custom essay sample on Of Mice and Men: Euthanasia or any similar topic only for you Order Now Some say that mercy is a blessing resulting from a divine favor. In the story, â€Å"Of Mice and Men†by John Steinbeck, Lennie was euthanized by George, Lennie’s caretaker/ friend. I believe that George, as a friend, only killed Lennie in grand admiration of Lennie’s already ill-fated continuance, like Candy’s dog. In the world of â€Å"Of Mice and Men†, Candy’s dog represents the fate awaiting anyone who has outlived his or her purpose. Quotes from Carlson, a ranch-hand, reveals this saying, â€Å"†Whyn’t you get Candy to shoot his old dog and give him one of the pups to raise up? †, â€Å"I can smell that dog a mile away. †, â€Å"Got no teeth, damn near blind, can’t eat. Candy feeds him milk. He can’t chew nothing else†, and â€Å"He’s all stiff with rheumatism. He ain’t no good to you, Candy. An’ he ain’t no good to himself. †After this scene, Candy finally lets Carlson euthanize his dog. Both Lennie and Candy’s dog would suffer if they lived. Candy’s dog relates to the reason why Lennie was killed by George. Candy’s dog wasn’t in good health and Lennie killed Curly’s wife and would be in trouble with the law. Although Carlson promises to kill the dog painlessly, his insistence that the old animal must die supports a cruel natural law that the strong will dispose of the weak. Afterwards, Candy has regrets about the ordeal, and wishes he would have killed the dog himself instead. Like how Candy’s dog was euthanized, Lennie also was. He was killed with far greater compassion though. George loves his friend Lennie, whom he has looked after faithfully, and he doesn’t want Lennie to die horribly. He euthanized him out of love, therefore he is justified. Since Lennie unwittingly killed Curley’s wife, George knows that there is no way to save him now. Even if they do escape, Lennie will never be safe because he doesn’t know how to avoid getting into trouble. Furthermore, if Curley gets his hands on Lennie, he will make his revenge be slow, terrifying, and painful. Therefore, George knows that the only way to protect Lennie is to shoot him. Lennie’s puppy is one of several symbols that also represent the victory of the strong over the weak. Lennie kills the puppy accidentally, as he has killed many mice before, by virtue of his failure to recognize his own strength. When Curley’s wife screamed, he didn’t know how to make her stop, except by force. Evidence supports that George must save his friend by mercifully killing him. †Of Mice and Men†reflects upon many situations of mercy in many varieties. In this manner George is a divine favor over Lennie’s life bestowed upon him by Aunt Clara. As Lennie’s blessing, George had the god given right to distribute mercy upon his â€Å"other-half†in unfortunate circumstances. For this reason, Carlson and Curley represent the harsh conditions of a distinctly real world, a world in which the weak will always be vanquished by the strong and in which the rare, delicate bond between friends is not appropriately mourned because it is not understood. How to cite Of Mice and Men: Euthanasia, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Financial Market And Investment Analysis Theoretical Validity - Empiri
Question: Discuss about the Case Study on Financial Market And Investment Analysis for Theoretical Validity, Empirical Intractability and Practical Applications? Answer: Introduction Carnival Corporation Plc is the British cruise company and it is one of the largest Cruise ship operators. It is a dual listed company. The company is composed of two separate companies one is Carnival Corporation and the other one is the Carnival Plc. It is the only company which is listed both on the FTSE 100 and SP 500 indices. In the year 2015 they have more than doubled income than the previous quarter as reported in their financial statement. The company is now operating in the most lucrative market like the market of UK where almost half of the cruises passengers are used the passengers ships. The performance of the share market for the last 10 years is not very much stable as in the year 2008 the share price were very low but from 2014 onwards the market is moving upward. UK yield curve The yield curve is the curve that provides a quick view of the relationship between the yield and the maturity of fixed interest bearing securities. As per several economists, there are different shapes of a yield curve depending upon the trend of the yield payment. Some important yield curve shape is discussed below, Normal yield curve This curve is generally an upward sloping curve. This yield curve represents that as the maturity period increases the demand for yield is also started to increase. Generally in a growing economy the shape of the yield curve is like this (Traficanti, 2014). Inverted yield curve This curve is just opposite to the normal yield curve. Here the yield for the shorter maturity bearing security is more than the long-term security. The shape of the curve is as follows: When the investors find a bearish trend in the market and have the opinion that the economy is going to crash in the near future then they want to lock their money in longer-term bonds and as a result the price of the long-term bonds are getting higher and the yield become low. Flat Yield Curve Flat yield curve represents whatever may be the maturity the yield from the investment is remaining the same. This curve indicates that the economy is under depressing trend, and the investors expect slow economic growth. So they want to tie up their money in the longer maturity investment. The Shape of the UK yield curve It is very difficult to predict the shape of the yield curve of any particular economy because the shape does not always match with the accurate shape given by the economists in their research. There is also exists the possibility of more than one yield curves as the economy is continuously changing. Here the UK Treasury yield curve for the year June 2014 is taken into consideration (Todorov, 2009). Explanation The above yield curve is based on the US Treasury security and the data is plotted on the UK gilt market. Here the data are plotted starting from 3 moths and ending in 30 years. The yield curve shows the following trends. Initially from the three months up to the 2nd year the curve is following a decreasing trend and looks like the inverted yield curve. May be at that point of time the investors were not confident about the market, and so they try to secure their money investing in higher maturity bond(Rzakhanov, 2012). On the other, after the 2nd year to the 30th year initially the curve is in growing trend as the percentage of yield is going up with the longer maturity period. After 10th year the trend of growth is stagnant. It shows that the economy is growing, but at this particular point the investors are indifferent about the growth so the shape is stable now but shape also suggests that in future the investors will be more confident about the market and will purchase more of long term bonds for book the profit. So from the above discussion it can be said that the UK yield curve is passing through three stages initially an inverted shape, then normal shape and at last the shape of the normal yield curve. (Ranganatham and Madhumathi, 2006). UK market risk premium Individual investor wants to invest in that market which yield a good return for them. Now if he is investing in a risk-free asset, then he will get an assured return. The risk premium is the extra return that an investor expects in order to take more risk. In UK market, the risk premium implies the additional return over and above the UK Treasury and gilt market. The risk premium in the UK market is calculated by the incorporation of CAPM method, Dividend discount model, Sharpe Index as well as on the basis of some historical data, etc. In this method, the cost of capital is calculated first and then it is multiplied by the market risk that is known as the beta (). The UK market is considered to an efficient market, and so the premium offered by the market is satisfactory for the investors. Any return over and above the calculated value is treated as the risk premium. All these concepts are relevant to the prevalent market economy of UK. If we analyze the data of UK economy, then it is observed that their personal income and international investment is in increasing direction. There is also an increase in the real and nominal GDP in 2014. All these indicate that there is a growing trend in the UK economy. So the incorporation of the above methods is very necessary for an economy like the UK. There should not be any single method for the valuation as each and every method has some advantages and disadvantages. Since 1928 to 2013 there are an increasing percentage of implied risk premiums of UK market. In 2013 the implied risk premium of UK market reached at 4.20% (, 2015). Estimation of market model Here evaluation is made on the basis of Carnival Corporation plc whose share listed in the London Stock Exchange. The benchmark index for the Carnival PLC sector is taken as FTAS The regression between FTAS and the Carnival PLC are as follows SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.497444 R Square 0.247451 Adjusted R Square 0.234476 Standard Error 0.015604 Observations 60 ANOVA df SS MS F Significance F Regression 1 0.004644 0.004644 19.07137 5.26E-05 Residual 58 0.014123 0.000243 Total 59 0.018767 Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0% Intercept -0.00043 0.002042 -0.20992 0.834463 -0.00452 0.003658 -0.00452 0.003658 X Variable 1 0.269999 0.061826 4.367078 5.26E-05 0.146241 0.393757 0.146241 0.393757 From the regression statistics the model is not properly fitted as the value of R square is less than 0.5, but the p value of the model signifies that it is less than 0.05 so the model is justified. The coefficient of the variables is 0.269999, but the intercept is negative. So it can be stated that there is a negative co relation between market return and the stock return (, 2011). The entire model is not justified as valid as the F significance is 0.05. The R square is less than 30% so it is not a good estimator of beta. Estimation of the cost of equity capital The beta from the market regression model is 0.269999 The risk free rate of return (Rf) is 0.74 The market rate of return (Rm) is 0.000959335 The calculation is shown as follows: CAPM method Ra = Rf+ (Rm-Rf) [where Rf = Risk free rate of return, = market risk, Rm= expected rate of return, Ra = cost of the equity] Ra = 0.74+ 0.269999(0.000959335-0.74) Ra=0.350659 Cost of equity capital is 0.350659 iii) Valuation of share as per Dividend value Model From the annual report of the Carnival Corporation Plc following observation for the dividend payment is made: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 d-4 d-3 d-2 d-1 d0 0.40 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 The growth rate of the company is in fluctuating trend so the growth rate can be calculated by taking the average yearly growth rate 2010 0.4 2011 1.00 1.5 2012 1.5 0.5 2013 1 -0.333333333 2014 1 0 1.666666667 g 0.333333333 Under the Dividend value model the price of the share is P0= D0(1+g)/(Ke-g) [where D1 = Expected dividend, k = cost of equity, g = growth rate, P0 = price of the shares] P0 = 1(1+0.333333)/( 0.350659-0.3333333) P0 = $ 76.9548965 Price of the Carnival Corporation PLC share on June 2015 is $ 5.7495. Note : Here the overall calculation is made on the weekly stock prices commencing from November 2013 to May 2015. The risk free rate of return is assumed to be 0.74. This assumption is based on the rate of UK treasury market. The rate of dividend per share represented in the annual reports of Carnival Corporation PLC is taken into consideration (, 2014). There is more than one method under the dividend discount model, but here the commonly used method is taken into account (Hrdahl, Tristani and Vestin, 2008). All the relevant calculations for beta are shown in the appendix. (Hiriyappa, 2008). Recommendation From the calculation made it is found that the expected price of the equity share is 76.9548965 whereas in the stock market it is traded at $ 57-58 on May 2015 (daily). The price that is calculated is the actual value of the shares based on the dividend expectation of the shareholders (Kozul, 2014). As the market value is less than the actual value of the shares, then an investor should take his decision as follows- If the investor is willing to invest in the share but not yet invested then it is the right time for him to select the shares because the actual value of the shares is much more than the market value. When the actual and the market value are not same, then there is always a tendency that market value moves towards the intrinsic value. If this situation is true then it can be predicted that very soon the price of the share will go up and if the investor buy the shares right now then he can make a gain by selling those shares at a future date. If the investor already holds the shares then it would be better for him to hold these for some more times as the price will go up in near future and if he sells those at that time then he can make some gain (RAHEJA, 2011). So in brief it can be said that the investors should either buy or hold the shares, but they should not sell the shares. Moreover, the existing share price also indicates a bulling trend of the market; it implies that at present there will be more of buying and less selling. Assumptions and criticisms All the assumptions in the recommendation are made by keeping the efficient market theory in mind. The relevant data are extracted from the annual report and the data available in London stock exchanges. Following are some of the assumptions- Most of the investors invest in the security of getting profit. The economy is in growing trend. There is no unpublished price sensitive information that affects the price of the shares The market is an efficient market. The investors are behaving in a rational way (Brown and Walter, 2012). Criticism of the CAPM and Dividend Discount Model These two models are based on the assumption that there is an efficient capital market but in practice there is no existence of the perfectly efficient market (De Graeve, Emiris and Wouters, 2009). The expectations for all the investors are not same, but when the calculation is made it is assumed that all the investors have a similar expectation. This assumption is not true in the practical situation. The CAPM model assumes that there is no transaction cost and no tax rates, but in the actual scenario no such condition exists. The price of shares is such a variable that changes regularly. So if the investor invests today on the basis of the dividend valuation model it is not assured that he will get a certain return as expected. In dividend evaluation model, the growth rate is estimated by following the historic records and the share price is calculated on the basis of that estimation but it is a very complex task to make an accurate estimation. In CAPM, only the beta is taken as the indicator of risk measurement but beta only indicates the systematic risk portion. So from the above discussion and the criticism made it can be concluded that there is no accurate method for calculating the value of the share. It depends on the investors and the market situation at a particular point in time. References Brown, P. and Walter, T. (2012). The CAPM: Theoretical Validity, Empirical Intractability and Practical Applications.Abacus, 49, pp.44-50. De Graeve, F., Emiris, M. and Wouters, R. (2009). A structural decomposition of the US yield curve.Journal of Monetary Economics, 56(4), pp.545-559. Hiriyappa, B. (2008).Investment management. New Delhi: New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers. 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